8 most secret and forbidden places in the world, where entry is possible only in dreams
September 28, 20243 Mins Read
Travel Desk: We have many things to see in this world. But you will be surprised to know that there are some places in this world of wandering where the entry of the public is completely prohibited. So today I am going to tell you about eight such places.
forbidden place
1. Snake Island
is an island in Brazil located 25 miles off the coast of Sao-Paulo area. Which is known as Snake Island. The island is home to thousands of venomous snakes, including a notorious species called the lancehead viper. The venom of this snake is so poisonous that it takes only 1 hour for a person to die from its bite. The number of these snakes alone in the island is about 4000. In total, Snake Island is home to over 5,000 different species of venomous snakes. Even in the 1920s it was a tourist destination for some people. However, if the death rate of snake bites increases. The Brazilian government makes entry to the island illegal and prohibited.
2. Indian Sentinel Island
North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal is one of the Andaman Islands. However, the sentinel tribe living on this island is with the outside world. Keeping themselves completely isolated. And their lifestyle is totally different from our advanced lifestyle. Basically the natives of that island never wanted to have any contact with outsiders. So even if tourists go there, there is a possibility of being attacked. Therefore, entry to that island is currently prohibited.
3. Area 51, United States:
This is a highly classified United States Air Force facility located in the Nevada desert. The government has never officially acknowledged its existence, and it is rumored to be used for development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons.
4. Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Korea:
The DMZ is a 250-kilometer-long, 4-kilometer-wide strip of land that separates North and South Korea. It is heavily fortified and patrolled by soldiers from both sides. This makes it one of the most heavily guarded borders in the world.
5. Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway:
This is a secure seed bank located on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen. It is the world's agricultural heritage from natural or man-made disasters. Designed to protect And it is accessible only to a select few authorized personnel.
6. Vatican Secret Archives, Vatican City:
The Vatican Secret Archives is the central repository of all documentation of the Holy See. Of which the Pope's Correspondence, . Contains historical documents and other important records. Access to the archives is strictly controlled. and is granted only to a select few scholars. Those who have a specific research project to complete.
7. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, United States:
This is a highly secure underground facility. which is for the US government in the event of a national emergency or disaster. Acts as a backup center. Therefore, public entry is strictly prohibited here.
8. Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine: This is a large area around the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. which is still highly contaminated and closed to the public due to the risk of radiation exposure.