Men with 4 personality types are not liked by women at all

Lifestyle Desk: Relationships are built on mutual trust, love, affection, likes, etc. However, in most cases, men are not paying attention to women's preferences even though women pay attention to men's preferences.

Men with 4 personality types are not liked by women at all
October 1, 20242 Mins Read

Lifestyle Desk: Relationships are built on mutual trust, love, affection, likes, etc. However, in most cases, men are not paying attention to women's preferences even though women pay attention to men's preferences.

Women don't like it at all

Men have certain traits that women don't like. Which also affects the relationship. So if you want to keep the relationship beautiful and sweet, the man should discard those traits. But let's know about those natures-

There are many men who have the tendency to show off and
boast about their position, house, car, good job or business, money etc. Which we know as show off. They think women will roam around him for these. They try to attract women with expensive gifts. Women can easily understand which ones are for love and which ones are for show off. A man with such a nature does not like an educated and independent woman.

There are men who talk down to others to make themselves look bigger. They think that if you can make others small, you can prove yourself big. But it reveals their small mind identity. Women notice their small behaviors with others. From there he gets an idea about them.

Men of Sabjanta Prakriti are
intelligent, understanding and open minded men more preferred by women. But these qualities can sometimes turn into faults. Men try to prove themselves intelligent to please women. They try to create an impression that they know everything. This effort often puts the man in a ridiculous situation. Such men often try to prove that women are less intelligent. As a result, they become eyesores of women.

He sells tea in cryptocurrency

The man is delicious!
Tasteful, personable women notice a man's general knowledge, whether he has a habit of reading books, eating habits, behavior with others, etc., more than expensive gifts or cars and houses. If a man does not have such a nature, it does not take time to put him in the book of cancellation.

Md Monirul Islam

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