Teacher beaten to death in Khagrachari, administration issued section 144
October 1, 2024Updated:October 1, 20242 Mins Read
Jumbangla Desk: A clash between Paharis and Bengalis took place after a college teacher named Sohel Rana was beaten to death in Khagrachari. Therefore, considering the situation, section 144 has been issued at the district headquarters for an indefinite period.
Khagrachari District Commissioner Md. on Tuesday (October 1) at noon. Sahiduzzaman confirmed the issue of section 144.
Earlier, Sohail was killed in a mob lynching in the morning. He is a teacher in Khagrachari Technical School and College. Due to this, the conflict between Pahari and Bengalis spread.
Locals said that Sohail went to jail in 2017 for raping a hill woman. Recently he was discharged and joined the workplace again. This morning, a Facebook post spread that a mountain woman was picked up by Bengalis in the technical area.
Local sources have confirmed that after that the Paharis came in groups and entered the school and beat Sohail to death.
Explaining the incident, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Khagrachari Sadar Police Station Abdul Baten Mridha said that the hill students had been demanding the withdrawal of teacher Sohel Rana for several days. Several years ago, a case was filed against Sohail Rana for sexually harassing a hill student. Sohel Rana was acquitted and joined the job when the student testified that she had filed a case under the pressure of a Pahari organization. Ever since Sohail Rana joined the service, Pahari students have been demanding his withdrawal by making various allegations of sexual harassment against female students.
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