Many men don't like 3 habits of girls

Lifestyle Desk: Not all are the same. However, there are certain practices, which are assumed to be gender based. Similarly, some women's work is not liked by many men.

Many men don't like 3 habits of girls
October 2, 20242 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: Not all are the same. However, there are certain practices, which are assumed to be gender based. Similarly, some women's work is not liked by many men.

the girls

Not all people are the same. This is normal. But on the basis of gender some likes and dislikes, habits, hopes, ideas are formed in most of them. He also dislikes some things of the opposite sex.

In many chats of men, there is talk about certain characteristics and habits of women. Some of them do not like some habits of girls.

For example, many men do not like to keep things in the house very tidy, but women try to tidy up. Again, there may be disagreements about the idea of ​​dressing. Then there is a difference between likes and dislikes.

What women do most men dislike?

1) Women often prefer to share their thoughts with their male partner. But many men do not like to talk on the phone for a long time.

2) Men are socially assumed to be in power in any relationship. Whether it's money or anything else, in many cases women tend to dislike men when they try to control the relationship. Maybe not everyone admits it all the time, but power is the cause of many relationship breakdowns.

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3) The tendency not to speak one's mind also harasses men in many cases. Many women hope that their partner will understand their thoughts. But it is not possible for anyone to understand everything. And many men do not like that hope.

Md Monirul Islam

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