What happens if the blood group of the husband and wife are the same

Lifestyle Desk: Social bonds are formed through marriage in the society. After that, thinking about the future generation began. Before marriage, we take all the information about family, relatives and so on.

What happens if the blood group of the husband and wife are the same
October 2, 20242 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: Social bonds are formed through marriage in the society. After that, thinking about the future generation began. Before marriage, we take all the information about family, relatives and so on.

husband and wife

But, the most important thing is the blood group of husband and wife. That is the first thing to know. But most of us do not pay any attention to this matter.

So this is the main topic of our today's discussion. Let's not know the details and our mistakes are not easy. Is there any problem if the blood group of the husband and wife is the same? An unknown question arises among many. About which they worry unnecessarily.

But according to doctors, there is no problem. 36 percent of blood group in the world is group O, 28 percent is group A, and 20 percent is group B. But in Asia, about 46 percent of people have blood type B.

In Asia, negative blood group is 5 percent, while in Europe and America it is about 15 percent. Whereas the majority of people in the subcontinent have blood group 'B'. It is normal that the blood group of husband and wife will match there. There is no problem with that.

But, if the wife has a negative blood group and the husband has a positive blood group, then there is a problem. This is called Rh Isoimmunization. It also has a simple treatment or vaccine. Many people have a misconception - if the blood group of the parents is the same, the child will have thalassemia. This is also a complete misconception. Because, thalassemia disease is caused by chromosomal abnormality.

The blood groups are: A positive, A negative, B positive, B negative, AB positive, AB negative, O positive and O negative.

Husband's Blood Group Wife's Blood Group Status of Child: Positive(+) Positive(+) Healthy Child, Negative (-) Negative (-) Healthy Child, Negative (-) Positive (+) Healthy Child. Positive (+) Negative (-) First child healthy, problem from second

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Note that blood groups are mainly divided into two groups. One is the ABO system (A, B, AB and O) and the other is the Rh factor (Rh positive and Rh negative). The Rhesus factor determines whether the blood group will be positive or negative.

Md Monirul Islam

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