Don't even touch foods that cause back pain

Back pain is a daily problem. Especially during the change of season, 'low back pain' may increase. Severe pain just below the waist. When you get up and sit down, it feels like an electric shock. The reason for this is the way of life. Those who have to work sitting in a chair

Don't even touch foods that cause back pain
October 2, 20242 Mins Read
Back pain is a daily problem. Especially during the change of season, 'low back pain' may increase. Severe pain just below the waist. When you get up and sit down, it feels like an electric shock. The reason for this is the way of life. Those who have to work sitting in a chair for a long time, suffer from such pain more. If the sitting posture is not correct, then the pain increases. Again, daily eating habits, drug habits can also increase the pain many times.

Back Pain Remedies

According to orthopedic surgeon Subrata Garai, “The spine has a specific shape. But, if you don't sit properly, that shape is not maintained. Leaning forward for long periods of time puts more pressure on the lumbar discs. Such pain is caused by him. Women also experience pain when the estrogen hormone fluctuates or calcium in the bones decreases.

People who walk a lot in heels put a lot of pressure on their lower back, so lower back pain is more common.” When the temperature changes during the change of season, the muscle tension or pain is more. Those who are not in the habit of stretching or doing any kind of exercise, suffer more. Again, a lot depends on what kind of food you eat. According to doctor, eat more processed food but pain increases. For example, eating too much processed corn, burgers made with processed meat, sausage-salami will increase the pain.

The doctor gave an example and said that corn contains a lot of vitamin B, antioxidants, which are very good for the body. But whenever it is 'processed', various chemicals are mixed with it. Processed corn kernels are soaked in a solution of sulfuric acid, along with large amounts of sugar and an ingredient called monosodium glutamate, which enhances its flavor.

All these ingredients are harmful to the body. They reduce muscle flexibility. Similarly, the chemicals used to preserve processed meats are harmful to muscle and bone health. So if you suffer from back pain, these foods should not be eaten at all.

To reduce pain, eat foods containing omega 3 and omega 6, such as soybeans, various nuts. If possible, sunflower seeds, chia seeds can be kept in the diet. Eat more small fish. Eat green vegetables, from which vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K can be obtained. It is also good to eat fruits like apples, pineapples, grapes, berries. Regular consumption of fruits will avoid such diseases. The body will be healthy from the inside. Pain will also decrease.

Md Monirul Islam

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