Debt repayment is more important than charity

Jum-Bangla Desk: One of the acts of worship in Islam is to give charity, help and support to poor and vulnerable people. Allah Ta'ala says, 'You will not attain virtue in anything until you spend (for Allah) from what you love. Whatever you spend, Allah is fully aware of it.&#

Debt repayment is more important than charity
October 5, 20243 Mins Read
Jum-Bangla Desk: One of the acts of worship in Islam is to give charity, help and support to poor and vulnerable people. Allah Ta'ala says, 'You will not attain virtue in anything until you spend (for Allah) from what you love. Whatever you spend, Allah is fully aware of it.' (Surah: Ale Imran, verse: 92)

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On the other hand, giving and taking loans for the needs of life has been declared legal in Islam. Lending is a good practice. It plays a strong role in the welfare of humanity. The lender is a lucky person in the eyes of the Qur'an and Hadith. Loans help meet the needs of others. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, 'A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He does no wrong to him. His help does not leave. Whoever fulfills the needs of his Muslim brother, Allah fulfills his needs. And whoever removes one danger from any Muslim, Allah will remove one danger from his dangers on the Day of Resurrection.' (Bukhari, Hadith: 2442)

But in this case, the borrower has to pay off the loan as soon as possible. Because the debt is the right of the slave , which must be paid. It is better to pay off the loan as soon as possible. It must be paid before death. If someone dies before payment, then someone must be bequeathed. Hopefully, he will be forgiven. Otherwise irreparable damage may be caused due to debt later on. Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'All sins of martyrs are forgiven except debt.' (Muslim, Hadith: 4777)
Charity is optional. And debt is essential. Therefore, debt repayment is more important than charity. Similarly, fulfilling the right of a servant is more important than giving simple charity.

There are two types of slave rights. First type of monetary right. For example, someone took a loan from someone and did not repay it. or illegally snatched, embezzled or bribed someone's property. All such entitlements should be listed and paid.

It is easier to pay these creditors if they are alive and their address is known. When they die, they have to find their heirs and claim their rights. If their address is not known despite searching, the amount due will be donated on their behalf.

The second type of Bandar Haq is Physical Haq. For example - hurting someone with hand or tongue without Shariah reason, abusing someone, blaspheming etc.

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In these cases, it is important to apologize to the servant. Rasulullah (SAW) said, can you say, who is destitute? The Companions said, 'He who does not have money and furniture among us is destitute. Then he said, "The truly destitute among my Ummah, who will appear on the Day of Resurrection with the deeds of prayer, fasting and zakat; But he will come to such a state that he has abused him, slandered him, usurped his wealth, killed him and killed him. Then it will be given from his good deeds, he will be given from his good deeds. Then if his (creditor's) due is not fulfilled from his good deeds, a portion of their sins will be imputed to him. He will then be cast into hell. (Muslim, Hadith: 6473)

Shohid Rana

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