Scientists discover unusual hot brown dwarf star
October 5, 20244 Mins Read
Scientists recently discovered an unusually hot dwarf star. This star is only 8% the mass of the Sun, but has a much higher temperature. Brown dwarf stars are called failed stars. So why is the temperature so high? Main stream stars are extremely hot. hot What is the way to burn nuclear hair inside the chest without getting hot! Usually the temperature of planets or dwarf stars is not so high. The temperature of the planets of the solar system is much lower than that of the Sun. That's the rule. But there are exceptions. Otherwise, how will the rule be the rule? Such is the case with a dwarf star named WD0032-317 B.
WD0032-317 B
The name may be quite a joke. But the quality surpasses even the mainstream stars. The star was discovered using data collected by the telescope of the European Southern Observatory in Chile. Astrophysicist Nama Hallakoon of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and his team discovered the existence of this brown dwarf star.
Brown dwarf stars are actually failed stars. That is, they are not stars, but not planets! Why? Because, the characteristic of star is that nuclear fusion reaction takes place in its core. In this reaction, hydrogen-hydrogen combines to form helium. At this time, huge energy is generated. This energy is seen as starlight. It is this energy that turns stars into bright fireballs.
But brown dwarfs are much more massive than planets, but not enough to become stars. Therefore, hydrogen fusion starts in the core of such stars but stops after some time. As a result, they fail to become stars. However, deuterium ( 2 H) fusion reactions can occur inside these stars . This also results in the formation of helium nuclei. But it's not helium-4, it's helium-3. It contains two protons and one neutron. However, this reaction does not produce as much energy as hydrogen fusion.
Brown dwarfs can be about 13 to 80 times larger than Jupiter. But their density is very high. A brown dwarf star the size of Jupiter can have a mass of about 80 times that of a planet. Brown dwarfs usually have a temperature of 2,200 degrees Celsius. This temperature is quite low compared to any star. The normal surface temperature of the star is about 3700 degrees Celsius.
But surprisingly, the surface temperature of the brown dwarf star named WD0032-317b is about 7,700 degrees Celsius! This temperature is much higher than our solar surface. But the mass of this dwarf star is only 8 percent of the mass of the Sun. That is, the temperature of this star is unusually high. That is why the matter has surprised star researchers.
A normal brown dwarf star should not be that hot. According to researchers, the reason it is so hot is because it is orbiting its twin companion star (WD 0032-317 A) so closely. This companion star is a white dwarf star. It is orbiting so closely that it takes only 2.3 hours to complete one orbit. That is, one year of that planet passes in just two and a half hours of the earth.
Not all parts of this brown dwarf star have the same temperature. One side has a higher temperature, the other side has a lower temperature. The matter needs to be explained a little. When a cosmic object orbits another object very closely, the two objects become entangled so that one side of them always faces each other. The other side is always far away. Much like the moon and the earth. This is called tidal locking.
Because of this tidal locking we always see one side of the moon. But we never see the South Pole. Because it is on the other side of the world. And as the earth rotates on its axis, so does the moon. In this case the dwarf star is tidally locked with a white dwarf. So only one side of it gets light from the white dwarf, the other side doesn't get light from the white dwarf. Then the side where the light falls, the temperature will be higher on that side. Be that as it may.
The side of the brown dwarf star facing the white dwarf has a temperature of 7 to 9 thousand degrees Celsius. But on the opposite side of the star, the temperature is much lower. Like 1 thousand to 2 thousand 700 degrees Celsius. That is, the temperature difference between the two sides is about 6000 degrees Celsius.
This brown dwarf is located 1,400 light years away from Earth. It is the hottest brown dwarf discovered by scientists so far. This strange discovery will be very useful for astronomers. This will facilitate the study of how such monstrous failed stars shut down on themselves. Scientists may find many more such failed stars in the future. Then more details will be known about these brown dwarf stars.