The kind of dua that is prohibited

Jum-Bangla Desk: Doa means to pray. Invoking the great Rabbul Alamin, the owner of the universe. Present yourself before him. Submitting your needs and requests to him.

The kind of dua that is prohibited
October 6, 20243 Mins Read

Jum-Bangla Desk: Doa means to pray. Invoking the great Rabbul Alamin, the owner of the universe. Present yourself before him. Submitting your needs and requests to him.


Allama Tibi (R.A.) said, Dua is the servant's highest submission to Allah, expressing his dependence on Him and seeking refuge in Him. (Tuhfat al-Ahwaayee: 9/220)

For this we should remember Allah in every moment of life. Surrender to Allah in any need. Ask him for help. However, it is forbidden to make dua on some topics or with some sentences. Today we will try to find out about it, inshallah.
Getting annoyed and cursing for children Many times people get impatient and cursing for children and close relatives without thinking about the consequences, which is forbidden. This impatient behavior of people is mentioned in the Holy Quran.

It has been said, 'And as people desire welfare, they also desire evil; Actually people are very hasty. (Surah: Bani Israel, verse: 11)

Praying for one's own death

Many a times people are frustrated by various dangers, burden of debt or illness and pray to Almighty Allah for death, which is absolutely not necessary. The Prophet (PBUH) forbade his Ummah to wish for death even in dire straits. It is mentioned in the Hadith Sharif, Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'None of you should wish for death and should not pray for death before it comes. Because when one of you dies, his deeds cease. And the age of the believer increases his welfare.
(Muslim, Hadith: 6712)

Another hadith states, on the authority of Anas (RA) that the Prophet (PBUH) said, Rasulullah (PBUH) said, "None of you should wish for death because of danger." But if death is his desire, then let him say, 'O Allah, keep me alive as long as my life is good for me. And if death is good for me, then give me death.' (Muslim, Hadith: 6707)

Praying to be punished at this time

Many people wish to be punished in this life in the hope of being saved from the punishment of the next life. It can cause severe danger to the servant. Therefore, it is wise to pray to God for forgiveness instead of praying for punishment. There is a hadith about the horror of praying for punishment in this day and age, where the Prophet (PBUH) forbade a Companion to pray in this way. Narrated Anas (RA), who said, Rasulullah (SAW) went to attend to a Muslim patient. He became very weak (suffering from illness) and even became like a chick. Rasulullah (SAW) said to him, "Were you praying about something or asking Allah for something in particular?" He said, yes. I said, O Allah, give me in this life the punishment that You will give me in the Hereafter. At that time Rasulullah (SAW) said, Subhanallah, do you not have the ability to carry it? Or you won't tolerate it. Why didn't you say that? O Allah, grant us good in this world and grant us good in the Hereafter. And save us from hell. He (the narrator) said, then he prayed to Allah for him. And Allah healed him. (Muslim, Hadith: 6728)


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The Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade his ummah to pray with such words. Anas (RA) said, Rasulullah (SAW) said, when one of you prays, he should pray with firmness. And let him not say, 'O Allah, if You will, bestow upon me.' Because there is no compeler for Allah, the Great and the Almighty.
(Muslim, Hadith: 6704)

Shohid Rana

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