Population Problem

Population Problem our Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a densely populated country. The rate of increasing population in Bangladesh is a burning question of the day. Population is an asset for a country. But when a country has a large population more than her capacity to afford food, shelter and other fundamental needs, the population becomes a burden for her. Then the population is treated as a problem. Bangladesh is a small country having an area of 1,47,570 square kilometres. But it is burdened with a large population of about 160 million people. More than one thousand people live in per square kilometre. The population is still increasing at an alarming rate. More than two million people are included in our total population every year. main reasons behind the excessive increase in the population are illiteracy, tropical climate, early marriage, polygamy and want of recreational facilities. Population problem begets some other problems. Unemployment problem, poverty, disease, corruption and many other problems are created from over population. For solving this problem illiteracy must be removed from our society. Moreover, strong measures will have to be taken against early marriage and polygamy. Furthermore, people will have to be motivated to adopt family planning measures and recreational facilities should be created for them. However, the government of Bangladesh has given much stress on the population control by identifying it as one of the main problems of the country. So, we should help the government in this respect.

Salma Akter

105 Blog posts
