'Everyone in the society should come forward for the full development of children'

Jumbangla Desk: The President has called upon the people of all levels of the society to come forward in addition to the government for the full development of children. Sahabuddin.

Jumbangla Desk: The President has called upon the people of all levels of the society to come forward in addition to the government for the full development of children. Sahabuddin.

He made this call in a message given on the occasion of 'World Children's Day' on Monday (07 October). Live the news

He said, children are the future of the world. There is no substitute for children's physical, mental and cultural development to build a sustainable, humane and beautiful world for all.

He said, for the full development of children, their basic rights like health, education, safety should be ensured as well as their opinions should be given importance. Patriotism and humanitarian qualities should be inculcated in them.

Md. Sahabuddin said, if the children grow up rich in knowledge and progressive thinking, it will be easy to build a positive world in the future.

The President said that the United Nations Children's Rights Charter was adopted in recognition of the protection of the rights of all children in the world. As a signatory country of this charter, Bangladesh has taken various activities for the welfare of children.

He also said that in continuation of the 'Child Act 1974' in the protection of children's rights, various projects and programs are being implemented in the country to protect children's rights and develop children's talent, provide cultural training, conduct pre-primary education programs, stop child abuse, especially to eliminate discrimination against girl children. Various laws and policies have been formulated for this purpose. These steps of the government are playing an important role in the physical and intellectual development of children.

He felt that this year's theme of the day - 'Our pledge to protect the rights of every child' has been right.

Incidentally, in 1924 the League of Nations first declared that children deserve the best that mankind has to offer. As a result, World Children's Day was first celebrated in 1953 in 40 countries of the world. Later, the United Nations General Assembly decided to observe the day on the 1st Monday of October in 1954.

Shohid Rana

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