The things that girls notice in boys first

Lifestyle Desk: How many familiar and unfamiliar people we meet every day. On the way, shopping mall, going somewhere, restaurant or office. Talk to some for a while.

Lifestyle Desk: How many familiar and unfamiliar people we meet every day. On the way, shopping mall, going somewhere, restaurant or office. Talk to some for a while.


When meeting a man, girls notice a few things first. Basically they see this detail to get an idea about the boy. Let's find out what girls notice first-

Where is the boy's gaze: When looking at a stranger, girls look first at their eyes. Try to understand exactly where that person is looking and what they are seeing. By looking at the direction of a man's gaze, one can guess a little about his mentality and character.

Cleanliness: Cleanliness is very important for girls How clean the boy is or how clean his shoes are also matters These things are especially noticed by girls

Type of clothing: Clothing is a very important accessory for any person Some idea can be made by looking at what kind of clothes are worn. So when they see a boy, girls pay attention to his clothes. So it is equally important to look at clothes to present yourself attractive to girls.

Body Language: Body language is called the mirror of the mind. Girls also notice this in boys. It is possible to understand many things easily from there.

Boy's type of shoes: Along with clothes, girls also pay attention to shoes Wearing very nice clothes and dirty shoes will not look good at all Wearing the right shoes is also important to make a good impression

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Spending hand: Girls also notice how the guy is spending if he is shopping or playing in restaurants. Because his spending style shows whether he spends or not.

Shohid Rana

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