There is a special virtue of going to the mosque first on Friday

Religion Desk: Today is Friday. The appointed day of weekly worship for believing Muslims. On this day, with the call to prayer, Allah himself has ordered to leave the business and go to the mosque quickly. The Holy Prophet described the special virtues of going to the mosque first. If you

Religion Desk: Today is Friday. The appointed day of weekly worship for believing Muslims. On this day, with the call to prayer, Allah himself has ordered to leave the business and go to the mosque quickly. The Holy Prophet described the special virtues of going to the mosque first. If you go to the mosque first on Friday, what special reward will you get?


The best and most prestigious Jum'r day for Muslims. The famous Companion Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anhu narrates -
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, 'Friday is the best of the days when the sun rises. Adam Alaihis Salam was created on this day. On this day he was admitted to Paradise and on this day he was expelled from Paradise. Doomsday will also happen on this Friday.' (Muslim, Abu Dawud)

Special Virtue
The virtue and dignity of going to the mosque first before offering the Friday prayer is very high. On this day, there is an opportunity to get reward for Qurbani without sacrificing animals. It has come in the hadith -
Hazrat Abu Huraira Radiyallahu Anhu narrated, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said - 'Whoever performed the obligatory bath on Friday. Then-
1. First (first of all) went to the mosque, as if he sacrificed a camel.
2. And who went in the second moment, it was as if he had sacrificed a cow.
3. And he who went in the third moment, as if he sacrificed a horned dumba.
4. And in the fourth moment he went, as if he had sacrificed a chicken.
5. And who went in the fifth moment, it was as if he sacrificed an egg.
Then when the Imam Sahib came out, the angels started listening to Zikir.' (Bukhari)

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Therefore, a believing Muslim should give permission to go to the mosque first to get the reward of the sacrifice even if he does not perform the sacrifice on Friday. Donate tawfiq to obtain the virtues declared in the hadith. Amen.

Monirujjaman Monir

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