The credit of the mass uprising is not of any party, its credit is only of the students

Jumbangla Desk: Jamaat Amir Dr. Shafiqur Rahman said, 'The credit of August 5 uprising is not due to any party, its credit is only to students and people. Students have freed the country from fascism by shedding fresh blood.

Jumbangla Desk: Jamaat Amir Dr. Shafiqur Rahman said, 'The credit of August 5 uprising is not due to any party, its credit is only to students and people. Students have freed the country from fascism by shedding fresh blood.

He further said that the movement which started with the sacrifice of 57 meritorious army officers in the BDR rebellion in 2009 ended with the fall of fascism at the cost of blood of thousands of martyrs.

Amir of the Jamaat said these things at the workers conference organized by the Sylhet Mahanagar Jamaat at the Kushiara International Convention Hall in Dakshin Surmar, Sylhet on Friday (October 11) at 3:30 pm.

He also said that the temporary changes that have occurred in the country after August 5th require the rule of righteous people and the law of Allah to make them permanent. Where all citizens will enjoy equal rights above party-opinion. We want to earn the true love of countrymen through work.'

Shafiqur Rahman said, 'Minorities and majorities do not want discrimination. A society should be created where there will be no need for guards in temples like mosques.'

If anyone wants to destroy the harmony, he urged them to stop them unitedly.

Jamaat's Amir said, 'Bangladesh lost its way in the joy of killing people on October 28, 2006. That Bangladesh is back on track on August 5, 2024. Our students and youth have achieved the impossible. A nation that can take to the streets from one-and-a-half-year-old children to 70-year-olds can no longer be suppressed.'

Dr. Shafiqur Rahman said, 'Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami has been the most oppressed during the fallen fascist government. They martyred our top leaders by hanging them in cases of crimes against humanity. Today they are identified as criminals against humanity in history.'

The conference held under the chairmanship of Central Working Council member and Amir Muhammad Fakhrul Islam and Secretary Muhammad Shahjahan Ali was attended by hundreds of workers of the city. Before 3 pm, the Kushiara convention hall was packed with people.

Jamaat-e-Islami Central Assistant Secretary General Advocate Ehsanul Mahbub Zubair, Central Executive Council Member and Dhaka Metropolitan North Ameer Muhammad Salim Uddin, Central Majlis Shura Member Maulana Habibur Rahman, District North Ameer Hafiz Anwar Hossain Khan and District South Ameer spoke as special guests. Principal Abdul Hannan.

Monirujjaman Monir

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