Changes in people caused by sin

Lifestyle Desk: Sin and disobedience to God is the most harmful aspect of human life. Because as a result of this, the servant will face various evils, evils and severe punishments in this world and in the hereafter. So we must always remember the evil consequences of sin. Today's ar

Lifestyle Desk: Sin and disobedience to God is the most harmful aspect of human life. Because as a result of this, the servant will face various evils, evils and severe punishments in this world and in the hereafter. So we must always remember the evil consequences of sin. Today's article highlights some of the terrible aspects of indulging in immorality.


1. The heart is darkened by sin

Sin leaves a black mark on the heart. The greater the sin, the greater the black spot in the heart. Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA) said, 'Virtue is the beauty of the face, the light of the heart, the abundance of livelihood, the strength of the body and the cause of love in the heart of creation. And sin is the cause of blackness on the face, darkness of the heart, constriction of livelihood and displeasure in the heart of God.' (Amarzul Kulub wa Shifauha, Page-7)

2. Shyness is debilitating

Wickedness weakens the servant's shyness. As a result, even if his poor condition comes to the notice of people and his wickedness is seen by the people, no thought is created in him. He does not even fear Allah to indulge in iniquity and does not shame people. The mind does what it wants. Rasulullah (SAW) said about them, 'One of the messages of the Prophets, which mankind has received, is that if you have no shame then do whatever you want.' (Bukhari, Hadith: 3483-84)

3. The human heart is depraved by iniquity

The human heart is depraved because of sin. As a result he cannot distinguish between good and bad. Huzaifa (R.A.) said, 'I heard Rasulullah (S.A.W.) saying—There will be outbreaks of sedition in the hearts of people one after the other like the leaves of a mat. So the heart on which that fitnah is transmitted will have a black mark on the heart and the heart that condemns and opposes it will have a white mark on the heart. Eventually the hearts (of all people) will become two classes of hearts. The heart of the first class will be as white as smooth stone; Such a heart will not be harmed by any fitnah as long as the heavens and the earth remain. And the heart of the second class will be as ash-colored as an overturned pitcher; Such a heart will know no good as good, and will not regard evil as evil (nor protest against it) without its transmitted ideas.' (Muslim, Hadith: 144)

4. There is no Tawfiq for good deeds

The famous Tabei Hasan Basri (RA) said, 'The reward of a good deed is to be able to do another good deed after that deed. And the consequence of sin is to commit another sin after that sin. Because when Allah accepts a servant, He gives him Tawfiq to obey Him and keeps him away from sin.' (Miftahu Daris Sa'adah: 1/299) Tabee Urwa Ibn Zubair (RA) said, 'If you see a person doing good deeds, then know that he has more good deeds. And if you see a person committing a sin, then understand that he has many other sins. For a good deed leads to another good deed of its equivalent, and a sin leads to other sins.' (Hilayatul Awliya: 2/177)

5. To bear a life of shame

Allah's displeasure falls upon those who disobey Allah. As a result, he is humiliated in this world and the hereafter. Allah Ta'ala says, 'And there are many people whose punishment has been determined. And there is no one to honor whom Allah insults.' (Surah: Hajj, verse: 18)

6. Forgetting Allah

When a sinner disobeys Allah, He forgets His servant. Because to sin means to forget Allah and His greatness. The Holy Qur'an says, 'And do not be like those who have forgotten Allah. Then Allah gave them self-sacrifice. They are disobedient.' (Surah: Hashar, verses: 18-19) Another verse says, 'They have forgotten Allah. As a result, Allah has forgotten them.' (Surah: Tawbah, verse: 67)

7. Deprivation of God's mercy

Sin and disobedience to Allah is the cause of being deprived of His mercy and blessings. Allah says, 'The dangers that befall you are the result of your actions. And He forgives many of your sins.' (Surah: Ash-Shura, Verse: 30)

8. Rizq is stopped or blessing is lost

If you fear Allah and follow His commandments, He gives you innumerable sustenance, and if you indulge in sin, he stops sustenance or makes sustenance without blessings. In this context, Allah Ta'ala says, 'Indeed, whoever fears Allah, Allah makes a way for him. And He provided him with sustenance from sources he could not imagine.' (Surah: Divorce, Verses: 2-3) If you disobey the law of Allah, the worldly life becomes narrow. Allah says, 'And whoever turns away from My Qur'an, his livelihood will be reduced.' (Surah: Taha, verse: 124)

9. Disease spread

Due to sin, many incurable diseases spread in the society. In this context, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'When there is open wickedness in a nation and their influential people do not stop their wrongdoers despite their power, then Allah sends a great punishment on them.' (Ibn Majah, Hadith: 4009)


10. The punishment of the world is determined

Sulaiman (RA) said, on the authority of a Sahabi, he said, "The Prophet (PBUH) said, 'People will not be destroyed until their individual sins become widespread and they have an opportunity to present an excuse.' (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 4347) May Allah protect us from all kinds of sins. Amen.

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