If you read this Surah at night, you will not be able to reach poverty

Religion Desk: Each Surah of the Holy Quran has different importance and virtues. Even a partial recitation of each sentence shows wonderful benefits.

Religion Desk: Each Surah of the Holy Quran has different importance and virtues. Even a partial recitation of each sentence shows wonderful benefits.


Today we are discussing about one such surah, which hadith says that if the surah is recited regularly after Maghrib i.e. at night, poverty will not come near. The surah is called Waqiya.

It is the 56th Surah of the Holy Quran. Verse number 96. The Surah revealed in Makkah has 3 bows.

Hadith urges recitation of Surah Waqiya every day after Maghrib prayer. Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (RA) said, I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying, "He who recites Surah Waqiya every night will not be deprived." (Bayhaqi: 2497, Tafseer Ruhul Ma'ani: 2/128)

A special lesson in reciting Surah Al Waqiya comes from a special conversation with Ameer al-Mu'minin with Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (RA). When Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA) was lying on his last bed, Osman (RA) went to see him and said, "What is your illness?" Ibn Masud (RA) said, My sin is my illness. Osman (RA) said, what is your desire? He said, I seek the mercy of my Lord. He said, I will arrange any donation from the government treasury, which will benefit you and your daughters? Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said, there is no need for this. I have taught my daughters Surah Waqiyya. I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say, "Whoever recites Surah Waqiya every night, want will never touch him." (Tafseer Jalalain Arabic-Bangla: 6/353)

Surah Waqiya

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّرِيمِ
I begin in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful.


When the event occurs

Bengali pronunciation: Iza-aqba'atil wa-qbi'atu.

1. Meaning: When Qiyamat takes place.


Its occurrence is not false

Bengali pronunciation: Laisa liak'atiha-ka-zibah.

2. Meaning: There will be no deniers of its occurrence.


Lowering and raising

Bengali pronunciation: kh-fi dwartu r-fi'ah.

3. Meaning: It will lead some astray and uplift some.


When the earth is shaken with a violent shaking

Bengali Pronunciation: Iza- Rujwatil Raadu Rujban.

4. Meaning: When the earth shakes with strong tremors.


And the mountains were leveled

Bengali pronunciation: abussatil jjiba-lu bassa-.

5. Meaning: And the mountains will be crushed.


It was scattered dust

Bengali Pronunciation: Faka-nat haba-yam mumbachchano.

6. Meaning: Then it will become scattered dust.


And you were three pairs.

Bengali Pronunciation: AkuntumAjwa-Jan Chala-Cah.

7. Meaning: And you will be divided into three groups.


So the companions of the right, what are the companions of the right?

Bengali Pronunciation: Faachha-bul Maimanati Ma or Achha-bul Maimanah.

8. Meaning: So the party on the right side, how lucky the party on the right side!


And the people of the left, what are the people of the left?

Bengali Pronunciation: Achha-bul Mashyamati Ma or Achha-bul Mashyamah.

9. Meaning: And the party on the left side, how unfortunate the party on the left side!


And the foremost, the foremost

Bengali pronunciation: Assa-biku nas sa-bikun.

10. Meaning: And the pioneers are the pioneers.


Those who are brought near

Bengali Pronunciation: Ula-Yikal Murqarabun.

11. Meaning: They are near.


In the gardens of bliss

Bengali Pronunciation: পি জান্ন্ন্ন্নান নানন নামিম

12. Meaning: They will be in blissful paradises.


A group of the first

Bengali Pronunciation: Chullatum minal awyaaleen.

13. Meaning: Many will be from among the previous ones,


And a few of the others

Bengali Pronunciation: Akvalilum minal a-khirin.

14. Meaning: And few will be from among the latter.


On arranged couches

Bengali pronunciation: 'ala-sururim mawdbunatim.

15. Money: gold and precious stones in the seat!


Leaning on it, facing each other

Bengali Pronunciation: Muttakiyina 'alayha-mutaqb-bilin.

16. Meaning: They will sit there reclining facing each other.


Immortal youths circulate among them.

Bengali pronunciation: Yatufu 'Alaihim wilda-num mukhalladoon.

17. Meaning: Around them will be forever teenagers,


With cups and pitchers and a cup of pure wine

Bengali Pronunciation: Biakwa-biwo aaba-rikba akasim mim ma'inil.

18. Meaning: With cup full of wine, jug and flowing fountain,


They do not suffer from headaches or indigestion.

Bengali pronunciation: La-yuchwadda'una 'anha-ala-yunyifun.

19. Meaning: If they don't drink it, they will get a headache, and they won't get drunk.


And fruits of whatever they choose.

Bengali pronunciation: Afa-kihatim mimma-yatakhaiyaroon.

20. Meaning: And (will go round) with fruits of their choice.


And the meat of fowl, whatever they desire.

Bengali Pronunciation: Alahmi Tvoairim Mimma-yashtahun.

21. Meaning: And with the flesh of birds, which they desire.


And a beautiful eye

Bengali pronunciation: Ahurun ​​'inun.

22. Meaning: And there will be Dagarchokha Hoor,


Like hidden pearls

Bengali Pronunciation: Kaamcha-Lil Luluil Maknoon.

23. Meaning: As if they are protected pearls,


As a reward for what they used to do.

Bengali Pronunciation: Jaza-yam Bima-ka-nu ya'maloon.

24. Meaning: In return for what they used to do.


They will hear therein no idle talk or sinful speech.

Bengali Pronunciation: La-yasmau'na fiha-lagwano ala-tachiman.

25. Meaning: They will hear no idle talk there, nor talk of sin;


Except for the words, "Peace, peace."

Bengali pronunciation: illa-qeelan sala-man sala-ma-.

26. Meaning: Except this saying, 'Salam, Salam'


And the companions of the right - what are the companions of the right?

Bengali Pronunciation: Achha-bul Yamini Ma or Achha-bul Yamin.

27. Meaning: And the right side group; How lucky the right side team!


In thornless lote trees

Bengali Pronunciation: Phi Sidrim Makhdvudin.

28. Meaning: They will be under thornless trees,


And a well-arranged banana tree

Bengali Pronunciation: Atwalhim Mandbudino.

29. Meaning: And under the weeping banana tree,


And an extended shade

Bengali pronunciation: Azillim Mamdudio.

30. Meaning: And in broad shadows,


And poured water

Bengali Pronunciation: Ama-yim Maskubino.

31. Meaning: And beside the ever-flowing water,


And many fruits

Bengali Pronunciation: A Fa- Kihatin Kachiratil.

32. Meaning: And in abundance of fruit,


Neither interrupted nor forbidden

Bengali pronunciation: La-maktu'atin'o ala-mamnu'atin'o.

33. Meaning: That which will not end and will not be prohibited.


And raised mattresses

Bengali Pronunciation: Afurushim Marfu'ah.

34. Meaning: (They will be) in lofty beds;


Indeed, We created them a special creation.

Bengali pronunciation: inna y anshana-hunna insha-yan.

35. Meaning: Surely I will create the Hurs specially.


So we made them virgins.

Bengali pronunciation: Faja'alna-hunna abka-ron.

36. Meaning: Then I will make them virgins,


Arabs of equal age

Bengali pronunciation: U'ruban atr-bal

37. Meaning: sister-in-law and peers.


For the companions of the right

Bengali Pronunciation: Liachha-bil Yameen.

38. Meaning: For those on the right.


A group of the first

Bengali Pronunciation: Chullatum Minal Auyalina.

39. Meaning: Many of them will be from the previous ones.


And a group of others

Bengali Pronunciation: Achullatum minal a-khirin.

40. Meaning: And many will be from among the latter.


And the companions of the left, what are the companions of the left?

Bengali pronunciation: achha-bush shima-li ma or achha-bush shima-l.

41. Meaning: And the party on the left, how unfortunate the party on the left!


In poison and boiling water

Bengali Pronunciation: Phi Samoomin and Ahamimin too.

42. Meaning: They will be in strong hot air and very hot water,


And a shade of black smoke

Bengali Pronunciation: Ajillim Min Yahmumil.

43. Meaning: And in the shadow of heavy black smoke,


Neither cold nor generous

Bengali Pronunciation: La-ba-ridinwo ala-kareem.

44. Meaning: Which is neither cool nor happy.


They were previously affluent.

Bengali Pronunciation: Innahum Qa-nu Qabla Ja-lika Mutrafeen.

45. Meaning: Surely they used to indulge in luxury,


And they insisted on committing a grave sin.

Bengali Pronunciation: Aka-nu yurchiru-na 'alal hinchil 'azim.

46. Meaning: And they used to stick to heinous sins.


And they used to say, "When we have died and become dust and bones, will we indeed be resurrected?"

Bengali Pronunciation: A ka-nu yaku luna ayya-mitna-akunna-tura-bao ai'zoa-man yainna-lamabushuna.

47. Meaning: And they used to say, 'Shall we be resurrected when we die and become dust and bones?'


Or our forefathers?

Bengali pronunciation: A wa a-ba-yu nal awalun.

48. Meaning: 'Even our forefathers?'


Say: The first and the last

Bengali Pronunciation: Kul Innal Awyalina Al-Khirina

49. Meaning: Say, 'Surely the former and the latter,


They will be gathered together for a known time on a known day.

Bengali pronunciation: Lamaj mu'u na ila-mikb-ti yaomim ma'lum.

50. Meaning: must meet at a fixed time on a fixed day'.


Then you, O astray deniers,

Bengali Pronunciation: Chumma Innakum Ayyuhaddoa-Llunal Muqayyiboon.

51. Meaning: Then O misguided and deniers,


They will eat from the tree of Zaqqum.

Bengali pronunciation: Laa-kiluna min shajarim min jakkumin

52. Meaning: You must eat from the Yakkum tree,


And their bellies are filled with it.

Bengali Pronunciation: Fama-liyuna Minhal Butun.

53. Meaning: Then fill your stomach with it.


Then they will drink over him scalding water.

Bengali Pronunciation: Fasha-Ribuna 'Alaihi Minal Hamim.

54. Meaning: Also drink very hot water.


They drink like a thirsty drink

Bengali Pronunciation: Fasha-Ribuna Rshubal Him.

55. Meaning: Then you will drink it like a thirsty camel.


This is their lodging on the Day of Judgment.

Bengali pronunciation: Ha-za-nuzuluhum yaomaddin.

56. Meaning: This will be their hospitality on the Day of Reward,


We created you, so why do you not believe?

Bengali Pronunciation: Nahnu Khalakna-Kum Falaola Tuchwaddikun.

57. Meaning: I created you: then why do you not believe it?


Have you seen what you are giving away?

Bengali Pronunciation: Afarayaitum ma tumnun.

58. Meaning: Have you thought about what you are ejaculating?


Is it you who create it, or are We the Creator?

Bengali Pronunciation: Aantum Takhluku Nahu Ya Am Nahnul 'kh-likun.

59. Meaning: Do you create it, or I am its creator?


We have decreed death among you, and We will not be outdone.

Bengali Pronunciation: Nahnu Qarddana-Bainakumul Mawta Ama-Nahnu Bimaswukeen.

60. Meaning: I have decreed death among you and I cannot be disabled,


That We may replace you with others like you and cause you to grow in that which you do not know.

Bengali pronunciation: 'ala ya an nubaddila amcha-lakum anunshiakum amcha-lakum anunshiakum fima-la-ta'lamun.

61. Meaning: To replace you with substitutes and to create for you what you do not know.


And you have certainly known the first creation, so why do you not remember?

Bengali pronunciation: Alakwad 'alimtumun nashyatal ula-falaola- tazakkarun.

62. Meaning: And you know about the first creation, but why do you not accept the advice?


Have you seen what you sow?

Bengali Pronunciation: Afarayaitum ma-taharuchun.

63. Meaning: Tell me about what you sow on the ground,


Is it you who sow it, or are We the sower?

Bengali Pronunciation: Aantum tajroo'nahu y am nahnuz ja-rioo'n.

64. Meaning: You sprout it, or I sprout it?


If We willed, We could have made it debris, and you would have remained in a state of amusement.

Bengali pronunciation: lao nasha-yu laja'alna-hu hutwa-man fajoaltum tafakkahun.

65. Meaning: If I wish, I can turn it into straw, then you will regret-


We are indeed in love

Bengali Pronunciation: Inna-Lamugramun.

66. Meaning: (saying,) 'Surely we have been afflicted'.


Rather, we are deprived.

Bengali Pronunciation: Bal Nahnu Mahrumun.

67. Meaning: 'Rather we have been deprived'.


Have you seen the water that you drink?

Bengali Pronunciation: Afarayatumul Ma-yal Lazi Tashrabun.

68. Meaning: Tell me about the water you drink.


Is it you who brought it down from the clouds, or are We the bringers down?

Bengali pronunciation: Aantum an jaltumuh minal muzni am nahnul munyilun.

69. Meaning: Do you make it rain from the rainy clouds, or am I the one who makes the rain fall?


If We willed, We could have made it bitter. So why are you not grateful?

Bengali pronunciation: lao nasha-yu jja'alna-hu ujja-jan falaola-tashkuru n.

70. Meaning: I can salt it if I wish: yet why are you not thankful?


Have you seen the fire which you kindle?

Bengali Pronunciation: Afarayaitumu nna ra llati turun.

71. Meaning: Tell me about the fire you light.


Did you create its tree, or were We the creator?

Bengali Pronunciation: A-Antum Anshatum Shajjartaha Ya Am Nahnul Munshiyun.

72. Meaning: Do you produce it (trees) or I?


We have made it a reminder and provision for the needy.

Bengali pronunciation: nahnu jja'alna-ha tazkirtan too amata-'al lilmukwain.

73. Meaning: I have made it a memorial and a necessity for desert dwellers


So glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.

Bengali Pronunciation: Fasabbih Bismi Rabbikal 'Azeem.

74. Meaning: So recite tasbeeh in the name of your great Lord.


I swear by the positions of the stars

Bengali Pronunciation: Fala y ukbsimu bimawa-qi'in nuzumi.

75. Meaning: So I swear by the Astachal of Nakshatraraji,


And indeed, it is a great oath, if you only knew.

Bengali Pronunciation: Ainnahu Lakwasamu Llao Ta'lamuna 'Azeem.

76. Meaning: And surely this is a great space, if you only knew.


Indeed, it is a noble Qur’an.

Bengali Pronunciation: Innahu la kur a-nun karimun.

77. Meaning: Surely this is the Glorious Qur'an,


In a hidden book

Bengali Pronunciation: Phi Kita-Bim Maknunil.

78. Meaning: What is in the protected book,


None shall touch it except the purified.

Bengali Pronunciation: La Ya Ssuhu Ya Illal Mutwaah Haroon.

79. Meaning: No one shall touch it except the holy ones.


A revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.

Bengali Pronunciation: tanyilum rmi rabbil 'a-lami n.

80. Meaning: It is revealed from the Lord of creation.


Is it with this statement that you are doubting?

Bengali Pronunciation: Afabiha-jal hadeechi antum mudhinuna.

81. Meaning: But do you despise this word?


And you make your provision that you deny.

Bengali Pronunciation: Ataaj 'aluna rizqkum annakum tukazyibun.

82. Meaning: And you have made your wealth that you will impose falsehood.


So why, when it reaches the throat,

Bengali pronunciation: Falaola or Iza-balagatil hulkboom.

83. Meaning: So why not - when the spirit reaches the voice?


And then you will be watching.

Bengali Pronunciation: Aantum Hinayizin Tanjuruna.

84. Meaning: And then you only look.


And We are nearer to him than you, but you do not see.

Bengali Pronunciation: Anahnu Akrabu Ilaihi Minkum Ala-Qilla-Tubchirun.

85. Meaning: And I am closer to him than you; But you cannot see.


So why, if you are not debtors?

Bengali pronunciation: Falaola y in kuntum gair madinin.

86. Meaning: If you are not rewarded, why are you?


You will return it if you are truthful.

Bengali pronunciation: rtajji'unaha ya in kuntum choya-dikvin.

87. Meaning: Do not bring back the soul, if you are truthful?


But if he is among those brought near

Bengali pronunciation: Fa amma ya in ka-na minal murkbarbeen.

88. Meaning: Then if he is one of the near ones,


Peace, fragrance, and a garden of bliss.

Bengali Pronunciation: Farawhoo Oriha-Noo Ajjannatu Na'eem.

89. Meaning: But for him there will be rest, a good living and a blissful paradise.


And if he is one of the companions of the right hand

Bengali pronunciation: A amma ya in ka-na min achha-bil yameen.

90. Meaning: And if he is one of the right,


Peace be upon you from the companions of the right.

Bengali pronunciation: Fasala-mul laka min achha-bil yamin.

91. Meaning : But (it will be said to him), 'Peace be upon you, since you are one of the right'.


But if he is among the deniers and the astray,

Bengali pronunciation: A amma ya in ka-na minal muqayyibinadw dwa-llin.

92. Meaning: And if he is a denier and misguided,


A place of boiling water

Bengali pronunciation: Fa nuzulum min hamimino.

93. Meaning: But his hospitality will be with very hot water,


And hellfire

Bengali Pronunciation: A Tashliatu Jwahim.

94. Meaning: And burning with burning fire.


This is the absolute truth.

Bengali pronunciation: inna ha-za-lahuwa hakkul yaqeen.

95. Meaning: Surely this is a definite truth.


So glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.

Bengali Pronunciation: Fasabbih Bismi Rabbikal 'Azeem.

96. Meaning: So recite tasbeeh in the name of your great Lord.

Ya Allah! Grant us all the Tawfeek of reciting Surah Waqiyya regularly. And give the benefit of reciting this Surah. Amen.

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