This device is widely sold

Lifestyle Desk: A Chinese company has invented a long distance kissing device. The device will send users kiss data collected through motion sensors hidden in silicone lips. After the kisses are received by the recipient on the other end in the kissing device connected to his phone, the at

Lifestyle Desk: A Chinese company has invented a long distance kissing device. The device will send users kiss data collected through motion sensors hidden in silicone lips. After the kisses are received by the recipient on the other end in the kissing device connected to his phone, the attached silicone lips will move. A Chinese company has already invested heavily in mass production of this device.


MUA (ummm…a) – This is the sound people usually make when kissing, according to Beijing-based organization Siweifushe. The device is named after this word. The device records and replays the sound of the kiss, and the silicone lips heat up slightly during the kiss, making the kissing experience more realistic. 'Umm…a' the device has to be paired with a mobile phone. To use it, you need to download an app on your smartphone.

Users will be able to download submitted kiss data through an accompanying app, the company said. They were inspired to invent this device during the Corona lockdown. At the time, Chinese authorities banned residents from leaving their apartments.

Inventor Zhao Jianbo said, 'I was in a relationship with someone at the time, but I couldn't meet my girlfriend because of the lockdown.'

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Zhao, a student at the Beijing Film Academy, later did his graduate project on the lack of intimacy in video calls. Later he started an organization called Siweifushe. His first kissing machine hit the market. The price of this device is estimated at 26 USD. Within two weeks of being on the market, 3,000 kissing devices were sold and the company received orders for 20,000 devices.

Monirujjaman Monir

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