Men's words make girls weak

Lifestyle Desk: All the secrets of the world are hidden in the word woman. Women are quick-witted, steady-minded and thoughtful. Women have different body types and different body types, and they have different needs. But in one respect they are all very similar. And that is in the case of

Lifestyle Desk: All the secrets of the world are hidden in the word woman. Women are quick-witted, steady-minded and thoughtful. Women have different body types and different body types, and they have different needs. But in one respect they are all very similar. And that is in the case of male lovers.

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For example, there are many things that women love to hear from men. So a bunch of guys researched and managed to find some of the best phrases to please women. Let's find out some of the best phrases to please women. But let's find out –

1. You look so beautiful : This is a very common statement that every woman likes to hear from the voice of their desired men. Whether that woman is beautiful or ugly, these few words are sweet to their ears. Women are happy if a man admiringly tells you that you look beautiful today. This sentence then seems to them the greatest sentence in the world.

2. You are the first woman in my life: Every woman wants her man to love her more and not look at any other woman except her. And if she is the first woman in that man's life, then there is nothing more imperfection in his life. A woman wants to hear the words 'You are the first woman of my life' in the mouth of the male partner. Even if it is a lie, it is very true to him.

3. You are very attractive: This word is very dear to a woman along with other words. A man prefers that his partner is more attractive and he thinks it is the greatest fact of his life.

4. Will you spend the rest of your life with me: Every human being is different. Because of this, people of different entities are different. People of different backgrounds also have different ways of proposing life partners. A woman is more than happy to propose in a variety of ways. It is one of them like Will you spend the rest of your life with me? A woman is much happier with such a sentence.

5. What do you think: If the male partner asks about something or wants to know what you think about this issue or if he asks his opinion about something then the woman is very happy. They think that their male partner values ​​their opinion as well.


6. You are the most beloved person in my life: Who does not like to hear such words. What could be better than the most beloved person in one's life. A woman is happy after such words.

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