They took poetry from the upper class urban people to the doors of the common people living in the lap of nature. they professed love of nature and believed in natures healing power . they freed poetry from 18th century realism and gave it high soaring imagination. they preferred spontaneity to artificial poetic soaring imagination. their belief and practice later on came to be known as romanticism. I wandered Lonely as a cloud Reflects the main features of romanticism.
Love of nature is an important feature of romanticism . In I wandered Lonely as a cloud, Wordsworth uses the daffodils as a symbol of nature. the Speaker, while roaming about aimlessly two years ago , saw a large number of daffodils. The flowers offered a happy sight. There was a pleasant wind. It seemed that the golden daffodils were dancing in joy. The speaker, who had a heart of a poet, was influenced by the joy. His heart started sharing the joyous movement of the flowers. He kept on looking at the beauty of the lively daffodils for a long time, not only to feed his eyes but also to feed his heart that responded positively.