Cancer treatment: easy ones, difficult ones

Zoom-Bangla Desk: Cancer is a complex disease that has become a challenge for health workers worldwide. Uncontrolled abnormal growth of cells in any part of the body is called cancer. Generally, if cancer is detected at an early stage and proper treatment is given, the patient has a better

Zoom-Bangla Desk: Cancer is a complex disease that has become a challenge for health workers worldwide. Uncontrolled abnormal growth of cells in any part of the body is called cancer. Generally, if cancer is detected at an early stage and proper treatment is given, the patient has a better chance of recovery.


Assistant Professor of Surgical Oncology Department of National Cancer Research Institute Hospital . Hasan Shahriar Kallol was saying that it is difficult to say precisely how fast cancer will spread. How life-threatening it can be depends on the stage at which it is caught as well as the severity of the symptoms.

Cancer treatments that have improved worldwide also have higher cure rates. Based on information provided by the NHS, the US government's National Cancer Institute and doctors, let's find out about some types of cancer that can become more lethal or less lethal.

Cancers that are relatively easy to cure
According to Kallol, any cancer can become fatal if detected too late. Although some cancers spread very quickly, treatment is easier if detected early, while some cancers spread slowly but are difficult to treat if detected too late. There are more than 200 types of cancer in the world, with different treatment options. For example, there are several types of brain or blood cancer that are highly curable with treatment.

Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer worldwide. Considerable progress has also been made in its treatment. According to the US National Cancer Institute, breast cancer has three grades or types, of which grade one or low grade usually grows slowly. These grades depend on the rate, how and how fast the cancer cells grow. It is not part of the four stages of cancer.

Symptoms include firmness in the breast, discharge from the nipple, and changes in the breast. Breast cancer is more common in women over the age of 50. You should go to the doctor if you feel any abnormal condition on the skin, structure or inside of the breast. Generally, this type of cancer is seen more than other types, but the death rate of breast cancer is quite low. Call

Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer usually grows slowly, especially in older men. According to NHS data, patients can spend ages without any symptoms or treatment. Sometimes it doesn't even need treatment. Complete eradication is also possible with early treatment.

However, many times doctors prescribe treatment based on the situation. Because treatment can cause erectile dysfunction or affect sexual ability and urinary problems. Therefore, treatment is chosen according to the risk of spread. And it is not treated much in Bangladesh because patients usually go to the doctor late when there is not much treatment available. However, as its growth is slow, it does not cause severe conditions so quickly, said Dr. Call Urinary problems are seen as the primary symptom, although symptoms are mild in the early stages. Such as frequent trips to the toilet, straining to urinate and feeling like the bladder is not emptying completely. As it grows slowly, the cure rate is very high if it is detected at an early stage.

Colon and Rectum
Colon cancer is also known as colon cancer. And the rectum is the anus. Although these two types of cancer problems, the treatment is more common, said Dr. Call

He said, 'Colon cancer in most cases is caused by polyps which can be solved by cutting them. Because the polyp comes slowly five-seven years, after 10 years it transforms into cancer. In that case, it is better to do colonoscopy after two or three years, he said. Besides, when this cancer occurs, there are several symptoms. For example, changes in the type of stool, blood in the stool or blood in the stool, discomfort even after passing stool, abdominal pain, weight loss and weakness. The NHS says to see a doctor if any of these last three weeks or more.

Stomach cancer
treatment has shown significant success in curing early stage stomach cancer. Although its symptoms are sometimes difficult to detect. In this case, the symptoms mentioned by the NHS include heartburn or acidity, difficulty swallowing, feeling sick, indigestion, fullness after eating little food, loss of appetite, pain in the upper abdomen or feeling like a lump, sudden weight loss. If symptoms persist for more than three weeks, see a doctor.

Cancers that become fatal
Some cancers are more deadly because their symptoms are not obvious, and when they do appear, it is too late. Doctors say that patients with ovarian cancer, lung or pancreatic cancer usually come to them late because the symptoms are often too late to understand.

Pancreatic Cancer
The pancreas is located just below the stomach. It helps in digestion of food or production of hormones like insulin. NHS symptoms include yellowing of the eyes or skin, itchy skin, discolored stools, loss of appetite, feeling weak, unexplained weight loss, fever, diarrhea or constipation, indigestion, pain in the upper abdomen when eating. Or it increases when you lean forward and feels less.

Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is a serious type of cancer that is widely discussed. According to the National Cancer Center, lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer after breast and prostate cancer. It spreads quickly and has no signs or symptoms in the early stages. The NHS mentions that there are several symptoms.

Such as persistent cough, blood in cough, persistent shortness of breath, unexplained fatigue and weight loss, pain or soreness when breathing or coughing.

Cancer of the Esophagus
Food usually reaches the stomach through the esophagus. Dr. Kallol said, 'Esophageal cancer does not have many symptoms, such as the first symptom that a patient presents with difficulty swallowing food, it can be understood that it has gone to a very advanced stage.' Not feeling well before, or feeling like gas or acidity after eating food are ignored.

He mentioned that this type of cancer is worse. The NHS says that symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, weight loss, heartburn for more than three weeks, and unexplained weight loss should not be neglected.

Ovarian Ovarian Cancer
The ovary is an important organ associated with female reproduction. It is considered as a silent killer because according to doctors, the initial symptoms of this cancer are almost undetectable. In most cases there is no pain in the early stages. However, if there is a tendency of this type of cancer in the family, it is necessary to be careful about it. Apart from this, one of the symptoms that are asked to consult a doctor is loss of appetite.

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Apart from this, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC advises to see a doctor immediately if any symptoms such as abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, change in bowel habits last for two weeks or more.

Monirujjaman Monir

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