What would happen if the sun was a blue star?

A hundred million years into the future. The life of the sun is almost at the end. The brightness of the solar king has come down to the ground. The sun shines again to dissipate all the energy before it goes out. The familiar star is engulfing our tiny planet as a red giant star!

A hundred million years into the future. The life of the sun is almost at the end. The brightness of the solar king has come down to the ground. The sun shines again to dissipate all the energy before it goes out. The familiar star is engulfing our tiny planet as a red giant star!

sun blue star

I was talking about the end of the sun. In fact, all G-category stars, not the Sun, die in roughly the same way. These are called main sequence stars. Because most stars are like that. Medium in size. Pages look yellow. For this reason, they are also called yellow stars. Sun is a yellow star. On the other hand, the heaviest and largest stars have a blue surface.

Just imagine, what would happen if the sun was not a yellow star but a blue star? Would the ending have been a little different? What was the state of the world at that time? Everything would go on as it is now, or would the traces of life be erased from the world? Let's use science to find answers to these strange questions through today's mind test.

The light that comes from the sun to the earth is actually a combination of all colors. That's why it looks white. But this is not the case on the surface of the star. It has color. What a star looks like depends on how hot it is. The color of the star's planet also depends on the star's temperature.

The temperature of the coldest star in the universe is about 1,750 degrees Celsius. Emits red light. And the temperature of the hottest star is about 40 thousand degrees Celsius. Looks blue.

Meanwhile, the temperature of the solar surface is about 6 thousand degrees Celsius. Red and blue light are emitted almost equally. It looks yellow. The world becomes white. But due to the Earth's atmosphere, the color of sunlight we see is red or orange at different times of the day. Blue light has a shorter wavelength. The result is more scattering. The blue color of the sky is due to the atmosphere.

Not possible, but let's say for the sake of argument, the sun suddenly turned into a blue star. In that case, several things could have happened quickly. The sky of the world may never have seen an orange-tinted sunset. I-you all would be burnt into coal immediately. So before we make the sun a blue star, let's take a look at two of the brightest stars we know.

One of the lower temperature stars in the blue constellation is named Rijel (Bangla name বানাত্র). It is one of the brightest stars in the Orion constellation. The surface temperature is about 11 thousand degrees Celsius. That is, almost twice the size of the Sun. But the star radiates energy about 40,000 times that of the Sun. And in terms of size, it is 79 times (diameter) bigger than the sun. If our star were so big, it would eclipse Mercury's current orbit. Earth's temperature would rise dramatically.

If we imagine the Sun as a blue star with the highest temperature, it would be like Eta Carinae. The surface temperature of this star is about 40 thousand degrees Celsius. About 6 times hotter than the sun. But the worst thing is that the star radiates 1 million times more energy every moment than the Sun. If the sun were that hot, it would be 500 million times brighter than it is now.

The stream of terrible plasma released from it almost turned the whole world into a kebab. Along with the attack of ultraviolet rays. There was no way to escape from this hellish temperature. Somehow lives could have been saved there by tunneling underground or building a fortified building. But the moment he left the safe shelter and stepped on the surface, the body would be burnt by the intense heat.

don't be afraid Since I'm imagining, let's expand a bit. Let's just say we somehow managed to withstand the heat. Still there was the attack of ultraviolet rays. Due to these harmful rays, skin wrinkles, aging, or cancer.

Let's say, this too can be conquered somehow. But how to save the eyes? Due to ultraviolet light, severe eye pain will begin. Vision will become blurred. In a short time the eye sight will be lost forever. Somehow this too can be conquered and the blue light will not let you rest in peace. Because, there will be noise of intense blue light throughout the day.

Blue light already impairs sleep. Depresses melatonin levels. Sleep disorder increases blood pressure, causes diabetes. Heart failure may occur. Apart from humans, the extra pressure of blue light fell on other animals as well. The size of the tree was small and thick. The leaves were blacker. Plants that do not like excess sunlight may die. Because blue light carries more energy than white light.

As a result, even though the length of the day was the same as now, the amount of energy would have been much higher. Not all plants or animals could handle the extra energy stress. Of course, the plants that survived at that time might have adapted to that blue light somehow. That too would have been a sight to behold.

If the Sun were a large star like Eta Carini, there would be another problem. Gravitational force would have increased many times than it is now. The extra gravitational force would have completely messed up the current structure of the solar system.

The fate of the Earth in its current orbit would have threatened two events. One, the monster sun that swallowed all the planets one by one, including the earth. Two, if luck was a little better, the Earth would have left the solar system and gone out into the infinite space using the strong gravity of the Sun. However, if this incident happened, it would be completely accidental. In that case, the wandering planet Earth would have turned into an icy planet after a short time. No matter what happened, the people of Earth would die in mass.

The good news was that the terrible pain would end very quickly. Massive and very hot stars do not last long. Eta Carini is now about 3 million years old. Already almost out of fuel. According to the calculations of the scientists, within a few million years, it will be accompanied by a supernova explosion.

Monirul Islam

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