It is difficult to predict exactly how much you will need in advance. But you can avoid many unnecessary purchases if you plan your monthly or 15 days properly. Many people go to the market and buy things that are not likely to be used in the near future. Many people see discounts and make unnecessary purchases, maybe there are more of the same materials at home.
market cost
Think about your needs before making such a purchase. There is no point in buying what you don't need right away. Instead, save that money for your own needs. Research shows that households waste 30 percent of the food they buy.
Eating large fish, meat, etc. daily to meet the requirement of sufficient protein in our daily diet increases the cost. Therefore, these foods cannot be removed from the plate. However, with some wisdom, you can meet your protein needs with alternative foods.
There are some vegetable proteins that will meet the demand at a lower cost, while also changing the taste. Foods like beans, tofu, soy contain protein. A family of four can definitely save a few hundred rupees by eating tofu or soy instead of meat in one meal. Chicken breast is more profitable. So try to choose the part which will get more quantity if bought separately.
Be sure to check the price before buying some products. Suppose you buy a packet of powdered masala or a bottle of oil from the market. Here the same quantity of products can be more or less Tk 2 to Tk 10 depending on the brand. This variation will also be seen in products such as flour, flour, pulses, salt, sugar etc.
When buying rice, you must check some types before buying. Also, two different prices of the same rice can be seen in two grocery stores. So it is important to check the price and make a decision while shopping. Again, if you buy more products in quantity, the price will go down a bit, but don't be greedy and buy more than you need.
For example, if you buy a small bottle of liquid handwash, it costs one thing, and if you buy a liter or five-liter gallon, it costs another. Since these products are used regularly, you can buy a large one at a time. Let's say you eat cereal or oats every day. Buying a large packet of these foods can save a lot of money instead of buying a small one.