Going to bed with anger only increases it

Lifestyle Desk: Every day, usually at the end of work, some time is taken out for each other. From discussing about family to planning for the future, everything happens at that time. Not all things turn out well.

Lifestyle Desk: Every day, usually at the end of work, some time is taken out for each other. From discussing about family to planning for the future, everything happens at that time. Not all things turn out well.


Sometimes there are arguments. That anger remains in the mind. Sleep comes in it. Many times, the night's sleep is affected by workplace noise. Maybe you have to listen to something harsh before going to bed. Still have to go to sleep with anger in mind.

But mothers and grandmothers have repeatedly taught us not to go to sleep angry. Now doctors also say. Do you know the reason for this?

Scientists say that whatever feelings you go to sleep with, they will linger in your mind throughout the night. As a result, it becomes more swollen. That is, if you go to sleep with anger, it increases. It does not lead to restful sleep. Sometimes there is trouble falling asleep. If this happens day after day, it affects the health.


Scientists advise that any differences should be settled before going to sleep. Then there will be undisturbed sleep. Body and mind will be healthy. Source: Anandabazar


Monirul Islam

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