At one end of the city of Makkah, Umar Ibn Khattab (RA) was walking. He was a strong man, but his one-time opposition to Islam often haunted him. One day, as he was walking on the road, he saw a Muslim being severely tortured. The Muslim's name was Yasir. Umar felt a change in his mind. Instead of fear, courage began to flow inside him.
The early days of Islam were very difficult. Muslims were subjected to various tortures. In those days, Muslims under the rule of Quraish were being treated inhumanely. But the Companions were steadfast in their faith and belief. There was a determination in them, which gave new meaning to their lives.
When Muhammad (pbuh) first preached the message of Islam, he was opposed by many. But his companions never backed down. Chief among them were Abu Bakr (RA), Umar (RA), Uthman (RA) and Ali (RA). They stood against their own lives and fell into the work of spreading Islam.
One day, Abu Bakr (RA) decided to migrate from Makkah with his friends. He knew that the Muslims of Medina would help them. "We will fight for our faith, as far as possible," he decided with courage and determination. His words inspired everyone.
Meanwhile, when Umar (RA) embraced Islam, the Quraysh of Makkah began to revile him. But Umar said, “I accepted Islam. I stand by my beliefs.” The Quraish were afraid of his courage and determination.
The Quraysh began to persecute the Muslims in various ways. I remember an incident. When Bilal (RA) was being tortured so cruelly, he uttered only one sentence, “Ahad, Ahad.” This one word reveals the strength of his faith.
Many were alarmed by the torture of Bilal. But he knew that no one could take away his faith. His firmness moved everyone.
After the Hijra, the correct message of Islam began to spread. The Muslims of Medina welcomed the new companions. Among them was Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), who was a role model for all Muslims.
After arriving in Medina, the Muslims began to build a new society. They built a society based on cooperation and sympathy among themselves. Here their faith became stronger. Muslims knew that together they could face any challenge.
But the Quraish did not stop their attack. They started attacking the Muslims to take revenge. The Battle of Badr was a historical event of that time. There only 313 Muslims stood against 1000 Quraysh.
The Muslims fought successfully under the leadership of Salahuddin. Their faith and courage was incredible. With the help of Allah they won. This war increased courage and unity among them.
After the Battle of Badr, the importance and importance of Islam increased. These brave and challenging moments of the Companions were a lesson for us. They risked their lives to establish the truth of Islam.
Finally, Mecca was occupied by Mecca. When Muhammad (PBUH) entered Makkah, he said, "Now you are free." It was a pivotal moment for humanity.
The strength of faith of the Companions is an inspiration for us. Their lives teach us how important it is to strive for truth and faith. The Companions taught us how to strive for faith and how to have faith in Allah.
We should follow them and build in ourselves the power of that faith. This story of the struggle for faith will light our way in our daily life and give courage and strength to our hearts.