Jumbangla Desk : If you are preparing for any exam then general knowledge questions must be known. Actually be it written test or interview most of the questions are based on general knowledge. And they don't have to be memorized to remember and people love to read them. However, this report answers some of the same questions, which will let you know many unknown facts.
Interview Questions
1) Question: What is Mason called in English?
Answer: Mason is called.
2) Question: Where is the headquarters of UNESCO located?
Answer: Paris.
3) Q: In which year Reserve Bank of India was established?
Answer: In 1935.
4) Question: India's first university was established in which city?
Answer: Calcutta University was established in 1857.
5) Question: Which part of the human body removes nitrogenous compounds from the blood?
Answer: Kidney.
6) Question: Which parasite causes malaria?
Answer: Anopheles mosquito.
7) Question: Where is the headquarters of the International Court of Justice located?
Answer: The Hague, Netherlands.
8) Question: When did Swachh Abhiyan of India start?
Answer: In 2014.
9) Question: Siam is the old name of which country?
Answer: Thailand.
10) Question: Which country has the oldest monarchy in the world?
Answer: In Japan.
11) Question: What is the name of the largest river in Europe?
Answer: Volga river.
12) Question: The famous car company Audi is a company of which country?
Answer: Germany.
13) Question: Who was the first woman Prime Minister of the world?
Answer: Sirimavo Bandaranaike (Sri Lanka).
14) Question: Lotus is the national flower of any country other than India?
Answer: Vietnam.
Farooq, a tea seller, actually fed 200 chinnamuls with khichuri on Friday
15) Question: Which animal sees everything in two?
Answer: Elephant.