What should be the age difference between husband and wife for marriage?

Lifestyle Desk: The age gap between men and women is given a lot of importance for marriage. In many cases, the relationship is sweet in two years and in many it is in 10 years. Most women prefer their partner to be a few years older than them. And for many, an appropriate age gap makes th

Lifestyle Desk: The age gap between men and women is given a lot of importance for marriage. In many cases, the relationship is sweet in two years and in many it is in 10 years. Most women prefer their partner to be a few years older than them. And for many, an appropriate age gap makes the relationship better.

husband and wife

And for some it causes a lot of problems. Let's find out how important the age gap is for men and women.

5-7 years gap: If there is such a gap in age, quarrels, disputes, misunderstandings are less between couples. If one of the two is of mature age, he keeps the relationship intact. This age gap is considered ideal for marriage. Because by doing this it is possible to understand each other very closely.

10 years gap : In many cases 10 years age gap is considered ideal if there is love between the two. This gap of 10 years will not create any unstable situation when they decide their goals and objectives in life. However, in many cases, the wife cannot say anything about her husband at such an age gap. In that case the problem arises.

20 years gap : Apparently this age gap between husband and wife is not ideal. Although there are many famous couples whose age gap is more than 20 years. Goals, ambitions and opinions will change drastically during this interval. The biggest problem can be having children. The older partner will want to have children sooner but the younger partner will not be interested in that case. The difference in their thinking will be a big obstacle.

A man having multiple wives is the norm in this town

How much does age gap affect: Age gap does affect a lot. Because there is a huge difference of opinion. But today's world is constantly changing. Marriage is temporary. Generally, the larger the age gap, the more problems couples face. Therefore, if the age gap is less, he is considered ideal.


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