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Lifestyle Desk: Experts think that smoking is one of the ways to cause disaster in life. But do you know what effects this smoking can have on your body? Which can seriously damage your marriage life. Let's find out what else smoking is doing to your married life.

Lifestyle Desk: Experts think that smoking is one of the ways to cause disaster in life. But do you know what effects this smoking can have on your body? Which can seriously damage your marriage life. Let's find out what else smoking is doing to your married life.

physical strength

► Erectile Dysfunction
Smoking affects your body in many ways, one of which is blood circulation This affects the blood circulation of the body Erectile dysfunction is often caused by a lack of blood supply to the genitals. It can be disrupted if there is a blood circulation problem, which will cause problems in your marriage* life.

► Decreased Libido
Long-term smoking habit can decrease libido in your body. The amount of carbon monoxide in the body increases. As a result, the level of testosterone in the body decreases, which also decreases the desire for sex.

► Infertility
can lead to infertility in several ways your smoking habit Smokers suffer from infertility problems more than non-smokers. Those who smoke more cigarettes, their sperm count also decreases. Ovulation decreases in women.

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► Decreasing physical energy
Physical energy usually decreases with excess smoking. As mentioned earlier, smoking has various effects on blood circulation in the body. Similarly, it can affect the sex life a lot.

Source: News Bangla 18


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