Death is a cruel reality

Lifestyle Desk: Death is an inevitable fact. There is no escape from death. Wherever we live, death will appear at our door. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur'an, 'Wherever you are, death will reach you; I want you to stay in a fortified fort.' (Surah: Nisa, verse: 78).

Lifestyle Desk: Death is an inevitable fact. There is no escape from death. Wherever we live, death will appear at our door. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur'an, 'Wherever you are, death will reach you; I want you to stay in a fortified fort.' (Surah: Nisa, verse: 78).


Just as death is inevitable, so is the agony of death. However, the pain of death will be more or less depending on the state and condition of their faith. Regarding the pain of death, Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur'an, 'The pain of death will come. O people! That's the thing you want to escape from.' (Surah: Qaf, verse: 19).

In another verse, Almighty Allah says, 'Alas! If you see those oppressors, who will squirm in the agony of death.' (Surah: Anam, verse: 93).

The agony of death in the eyes of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Hijri 11th year. Since the beginning of the month of Rabiul Awal, the beloved Prophet (PBUH) has been ill. High fever and severe headache. The illness was increasing day by day. The fever was getting worse and worse. His sufferings and pains were many times more than ordinary people. 12 Rabiul Awal, Monday. Before noon Beloved Rasool (pbuh) Ammajan was lying with his head on the lap of Hazrat Ayesha (pbuh).

He was suffering a lot. There was severe pain. Wetting his hands in a bowl of water, he was beckoning those wet hands to his own face and uttering the agony of death—'La ilaha illallah, inna lil mawti sakarat.' That is, there is no god but Allah, surely death has severe pain. Then he stretched out his hands and said, 'Allahumma Bir Rafiqil Ala.' In the meantime he died and his hands fell.' (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 6029)

Seeing the death agony of the beloved Prophet (PBUH) with her own eyes, Ammajan Ayesha (R.A.) said, 'Rasulullah (PBUH) died between my throat and chest. And after seeing his death agony, I never dislike anyone else's death agony.' (Bukhari, Hadith: 2138)

The agony of death in the eyes of Shaddad bin Aws (RA).

Shaddad bin Aws (RA) was a Muhaddith Sahabi. More than 50 hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH) have been narrated from him. He died in Palestine at the age of 75 in 58 Hijri. He was laid to rest next to Babu Rahmat in Baitul Maqdis.

Regarding the horror of death, this famous companion said, 'Death in this world and the hereafter is the most difficult for a believer. There is nothing more difficult for a believer than death. It is harder than cutting with a saw, more painful than cutting with scissors, and more painful than being boiled in a boiling pot. If a dead man were brought back to life, and if he told the world what the pain of death is, then man would never find happiness in life and never taste sleep.' (Al Ihaya: 4/463).

Death agony in the eyes of Amr Ibnul As (R.A.).

The famous Egyptian conqueror Sahabi Amr Ibnul As (RA) said about the agony of death, 'By Allah, it seems as if all the mountains of the world have been pressed on my chest. And I'm breathing through the eye of a needle. From my scalp to the soles of my feet it was as if I were being encumbered with thorny branches.' (Encyclopedia of Speech: 15/64).

Death agony in the eyes of Ka'b Ahbar (RA).

Amir al-Mu'minin Umar (ra) asked Ka'b Ahbar (ra), O Ka'b! You present before me the details of death. Then Ka'b said, 'Of course I will say, O Amirul Muminin! Death is like a branch of a tree with innumerable thorns in one's stomach, each thorn pierced by a vein, and a strong man pulling the branch out with force. As a result, what is coming out is coming out, and what is staying is remaining.' (Encyclopedia of Speech: 15/65)


May Allah make our life and death easy. Amen.
Ismail Saadi



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