Religion Desk: Memorizing Kalamullah or the words of Allah is not a common education. It is a precious resource for a Muslim. All Muslims should memorize the entire Quran or parts of it to attain excellence in Paradise. Therefore, age cannot be considered as a barrier.
Just as it can be done at the beginning of life, it can also be done at the end of life. Being Hafez is actually a matter of desire. Allah will make it easy if you intend. Because, due to the preservation of the Quran, there is a need for many Hafez in the world. So whoever wants to become a Hafez from his heart, Allah will accept him as a Hafez in a short time. The famous Tabei Sufyan Ibn Waina (R.A.) said, 'The Jews-Nazarenes were entrusted with the custody of the Torah and the Injil. When they neglected their duty, these two books became corrupted and changed and perished. On the other hand, in verse 9 of Surah Hijr about the Quran, Allah says, 'I have revealed this Quran, I will preserve it.' So it never has a chance to perish' (Tafsir Qurtubi.)
From the time of revelation of the Qur'an until today, not a letter or even a single point has been changed. This happened because of God's protection. There are many virtues in memorizing Quran and Hadith. According to the declaration of the Prophet, the Hafez of the Qur'an is a member of the family of Allah and a special person. Hazrat Anas (RA) said, Nabiji (SAW) said, 'There are some people who belong to the family of Allah. Companions asked, who are they O Messenger of God? He said, those who are colored in the color of the Quran are the family of Allah and special close people. (Musnad Ahmad, hadith number 12279.)
Hafez will benefit not only himself but also his family and friends. A Hafez will have the special power to take ten Hellmen to Paradise on the Day of Judgment. For this, the condition is that the Hafez must follow the halal and haram described in the Quran in his daily life. With the good news of Paradise for such Hafez, Nabiji (SAW) said, 'Whoever recites the Qur'an along with memorizing it and obeys all its halal matters as halal and haram as haraam, Allah will admit him to Jannah. Not only that, but accept his intercession for ten persons of his family who are fit to go to Hell.' (Tirmidhi, Hadith number 2905.)
Only believers and Muslims will go to heaven. However, he will be in the most enviable-alluring place in Paradise, Hafez of the Quran. At the end of the reckoning on the Day of Judgment, Hafez will be seated in a dignified seat in exchange for reciting each verse in the Qur'an. Nabiji (pbuh) said, 'He who recites the Qur'an in Paradise will be told, keep reading and keep climbing. Recite in the same way as you would recite slowly with Tartil in the world. Your abode will be determined in the last verse of your recitation.' (Abu Dawud, hadith number 1464.) In the light of this hadith, it can be understood that Hafez's palace in Paradise will have 6 thousand 236 floors. Hafez recites one verse of the Qur'an and rises one floor higher in the palace of Paradise, thus the more verses he recites, the higher his living room will be.
In addition to the highest palace, Allah has reserved for the Hafez a special area called Marjan. Nabiji (peace be upon him) said, 'There is a city called Marjan on the river Rayan in Paradise. Which is made of gold and silver. That area is designated only for the Hafez of the Quran.' (Kanzul Ummal Fi Sunanil Aqwal Wal Afal.)
The status of Hafez in the Qur'an is a certificate of good character not only in the hereafter but also in this world. Hafjeh is declared as holy as an angel in Hadith Sharif. Ammajan Ayesha (R.A.) said, Nabiji (S.A.W.) said, 'The Hafez of the Qur'an, who recites it all the time, is as honorable and pure as the honorable angels engaged in the writing of deeds. And whoever recites the Qur'an repeatedly despite suffering, his reward is double.' (Bukhari, hadith number 4573.)
In the Qur'an, Hafez is so beloved of God, so beloved servant; Allah has announced various offers to satisfy him. Ten people of that Hafez family will be taken to heaven, Allah will also honor Hafez's parents in a special event. Sahl ibn Mu'adh al-Juhani (RA) narrated from his father that the Prophet (PBUH) said, 'Whoever recites the Qur'an and acts accordingly, on the Day of Resurrection his parents will be crowned with a crown brighter than the light of the sun. will shine Imagine, if the sun exists in your house, how bright will its light be? Then imagine how wonderful the person who acts according to the Qur'an will be!' (Abu Dawud, Hadith number 14.)
An old man often used to say that just as salt is essential for the taste of food, it is equally essential for a believer-Muslim to memorize the Qur'an to make the life of Jannah more enjoyable. May Allah grant us all the Tawfiq to complete Kalamullah Hafz as well as attain a high position in Jannah by acting according to the rules of the Qur'an. Amen.
Author : Founder Director, Salman Farsi (R) Madrasa Charpathalia, Munshiganj