Lifestyle Desk: Winter season is coming. At this time, it is seen that more people are suffering from cold and cough at home. People are more affected during seasonal changes because it takes time to adjust to the environment.
Whenever a season changes from winter to hot or from hot to winter, the number of infected increases, while the risk of death is high.
When severe winter sets in, there is not much problem when people are adjusted and follow the right rules. At this time of winter, at this time of the beginning of winter, everyone should be aware.
There are number of dengue patients, people are still affected by dengue, so everyone must be aware. Before the start of winter, you must follow the rules, keep yourself away from dust, the amount of dust is very high during winter.
What to do to stay healthy at this time-
* Eat more liquid food, vegetables and fruits.
* To live a controlled life, to take pure oxygen in the open air, to take a short walk outside in the morning and evening, and to exercise regularly is very important. Along with this, you must increase your immune system by eating nutritious healthy food.
* 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night; It is very necessary for health.
Tonic lentils for thousands of skin problems
*During the winter, children are more prone to respiratory problems, colds and coughs, and older people are also affected. That is why it is very important to take care of children and the elderly separately. Children and the elderly are more prone to pneumonia. So don't neglect it, take doctor's advice first, keep yourself well, keep your family well, keep your country well.