In 2022, an extremist named Ramus Paludan burned the Holy Quran in public streets while opposing Muslims in Sweden. This incident made a sensation all over the world. Muslim people protested in many countries of the world.
Later, Ramus Paludan was found guilty and sent to jail by the country's court.
Sweden also had to endure setbacks in the diplomatic field. Türkiye directly opposed it in the diplomatic arena. The question was, in a secular state like Sweden, will that person be punished at all?
The case was heard in a Swedish court on Tuesday. The judge said that any person or group can be publicly opposed. Swedish law allows it. But there is a limit to opposition. That limit has been violated in this incident. What has happened has directly hurt the sentiments of Muslim people. Which is not legal.
The Swedish court has announced that he will be sent to prison. After hearing the punishment, the guilty man opened his mouth. He is a lawyer by profession. He said, I am not surprised by the court's verdict. I will appeal to the high court.
The perpetrator is a citizen of Sweden as well as Denmark. He was given the same punishment there in 2020. In Denmark, the man also pleaded not guilty in court. Instead, the law said to continue the fight. He said he will continue to fight the law in Sweden.