Lifestyle Desk: Shame is a human quality. Shame is one of the characteristics of human life. Shyness is one of the characteristics of believing men and women. Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'Shame is part of faith.' (Muslim, Hadith: 51)
Haya in Arabic means feeling shy or embarrassed, feeling hesitant etc. Simply put, shame is a human emotion that deters people from doing evil and creates fear of public dishonor. There are two types of shame. Namely—1. Natural or natural shame, 2. earned shame
1. Shame that is pre-existing in humans as given by Allah, is natural or natural shame. For example, feeling ashamed of being naked.
2. The shame that arises in people after gaining knowledge about the manners, manners, and manners of God after believing in God Almighty is called acquired shame. This shame is essentially good shame, which restrains people from doing wrong by preventing them from doing all evil.
The relationship between shame and faith
Shame is very important in human life. Faith has a close relationship with shame. Shame is the human quality that allows people to be truly human, to refrain from wrongdoing. Rasulullah (SAW) said, "Every religion has a character, and the main character of Islam is modesty." (Ibn Majah, Hadith: 4181)
The greater the sense of shame of a person, the greater the strength of his faith. The more that person can refrain from sin. This sense of shame restrains him from all evil and obscene acts. Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'Shyness brings only good.' (Bukhari, Hadith: 6117)
On the other hand, shamelessness is a sign of weak faith. The lesser the sense of shame , the lesser the strength of his faith. A shameless person has no choice in his actions. As a result, he does any evil without hesitation. That's why he slowly started running towards wrongdoing. The words of Rasulullah (s.a.w.) in this regard - 'When you become shameless, then do whatever you want.' (Bukhari, Hadith: 6120)
He who has shame has all, the more pure he is. He who has no shame has nothing. Due to this shamelessness, people commit various types of wrongful activities. Runs on the path of obscenity.
Elsewhere in the Holy Qur'an it is stated, '…and Allah has forbidden indecency, evil and oppression….' (Surah: Nahl, verse: 90)
Shyness purifies every person and prevents him from all wrongdoing and leads him on the path of Paradise. Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'Shame is part of faith and Paradise is the place of believers. On the other hand shamelessness is the part of the beast, and hell is the place of the beast.' (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2009)
Rasulullah (SAW) also said, 'Shame and small talk are two branches of faith. And obscenity and extra talk are two branches of hypocrisy.' (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2027)
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May Allah include us shy ones. Amen.
Sumna of Shamsunnah