The manners of speaking of a believer

Lifestyle Desk: Humans are social creatures. In living in society, we have to talk to each other for various needs. Therefore, the greatest human being of all time, the Prophet (peace be upon him) has taught his ummah how to speak and where, when and how to speak. Today we will try to shed

Lifestyle Desk: Humans are social creatures. In living in society, we have to talk to each other for various needs. Therefore, the greatest human being of all time, the Prophet (peace be upon him) has taught his ummah how to speak and where, when and how to speak. Today we will try to shed some light on the manners of speaking of a believer, Insha'Allah.

the Moomin

One. Starting the conversation with salam: The importance of salam is immense. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Surely the best in the sight of Allah is the one who greets first.' (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 5197)

Through salam, mutual cordiality and cordiality increases. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Shall I tell you something that will make you love each other? Spread greetings among yourselves.' (Muslim, Hadith: 54)

Two. Controlled speech: Speech should not be at such a level that it causes annoyance to others. And it should not be so faint that another person has difficulty hearing it; Rather, we should speak by adopting a middle approach in consideration of space-time-container. Allah says, 'Be moderate in your walk and lower your voice. Surely the loudest voice is the voice of the donkey.' (Surah: Luqman, verse: 19)

Three. Refraining from unnecessary speech: It is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, "Every word spoken by a person is preserved in the court of Allah." (Surah: Kaf, verse: 18)

So we should try to keep our deeds clean by refraining from all unnecessary and indecent words.

Four. Speaking after verifying the truth: After hearing something, one should not speak without verifying its truth. Because it leaves the danger of being a liar. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'It is sufficient for a person to be known as a liar that he speaks only what he hears.' (Muslim, Hadith: 5)

Five. Speaking with good address: While speaking, do not address someone in such a choice of words that he feels hurt. Allah the Exalted says, '…do not describe each other's faults and do not call each other by bad names. In fact, after he believed, he was called an evil deed. Those who do not repent from this, they are transgressors.'
(Surah: Hazrat, verse: 11)

Six. Abstain from slander: Slander and blaming someone else in speech is highly frowned upon. Allah Almighty says, 'Do not backbite and backbite one another….' (Surah: Hazrat, verse: 12)

Seven. Avoiding the monotony mentality: There are many of us who talk on our own incessantly without giving others a chance to speak. Such practices must be avoided. Rather, it is one of the manners of speaking to be attentive to others by giving them the opportunity to speak. And in speaking in any Majlis, it is imperative to give precedence to seniority. Ibn Abbas (R.A) said, When Umar (R.A.) used to call the senior companions of Rasulullah (S.A.W), he used to call me too. And he used to say, you don't speak until they speak. (Ibn Khuzaymah, Hadith: 2172)

Former MP of Jhenaidah-2 Constituency Tahjeeb Alam arrested

Finally we should adhere to Islamic manners in speaking. Through this, just as people's love can be gained in this world, so many rewards will be achieved in the hereafter as well. May Allah grant us Tawfiq to do our deeds.

Monirul Islam

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