Jumbangla Desk: Even though the 22-day ban to protect mother hilsa has ended, the price of hilsa is beyond the reach of common people. As the supply is low, the price is also high, depending on the size, the price of hilsa per kg has increased from Tk 100 to Tk 300 per kg. Five days after the end of the ban, the prices are still high, angry buyers. Traders say the prices are high due to non-arrival of sea fish and non-availability of desired fish in rivers.
On Friday (November 8), the main market of Bagerhat city was visited, one kilogram of hilsa is being sold from 1600 to 2000 taka, 7-800 grams of hilsa is 12000 taka, 500 grams of fish is 1000, 3-4 kg of fish is 7. - 800 taka and 5-6 kg fish is selling at 5 to 600 taka. The increase in the price of hilsa has also affected other fish in the market.
While the supply of other fish is normal, the price has not come down a bit. On the contrary, the price of vetki, rui, katla, shrimp and tengra fish has increased by 50 to 100 taka per kg. Bettaki are being sold at Tk 600 to Tk 900 per kg, various types of carp including rui, katla, mrigel, grasscarp are being sold at Tk 280 to Tk 450. Harina, chaka and chami shrimp are being sold up to 6-700 taka. However, pangas and tilapia are being sold at the previous price ie Tk 150 to Tk 250 per kg.
Conscious consumers have demanded to sell fish in pieces as the price of fish like all other products is out of reach.
An employee named Nurun Nahar said, I work in a private company with a good salary. Still, the market has to be calculated a lot. There is a lot to think about before purchasing a favorite fish. So low income people don't even think about buying hilsa. This woman commented that if large fish including hilsa are cut and sold in pieces, then many people could have tasted this fish.
A buyer named Rafiq Halder said, I was coming to buy hilsa after the blockade. But the price is high, so I bought Rui Fish. I also bought some small hilsa. Most of the people will not be able to eat hilsa. Abdul Salam, president of Bagerhat Fish Market Traders Association, said, "The price of hilsa is higher than before.
Even though the 22-day blockade is over, the fishermen are not getting the sea fish. The influence of pirates at sea has also increased. The hilsa that you see in the market now are the fish of different rivers including Bekutia in the neighboring district of Barisal. So the price is a bit high. He claimed that if sea fish starts coming, the price will decrease.
Meanwhile, even after 5 days of blockade, no trawler came to Bagerhat's main marine fish landing center KB Bazar on Friday morning. Because of which, frozen sea fish is being sold in KB market, said Sheikh Abed Ali, President of KB Market Fish Traders Association.
He said, the amount of fish in the sea is less this time. So no boat has come yet. So we don't sell hilsa fish, we only sell frozen fish. Due to this, the price of hilsa in the market is high.