Drugs are regularly entering through four points of Comilla Central Jail. A syndicate of unscrupulous inmates smuggles drugs into prisons by 'managing' security personnel. As a result, drugs are found in this prison.
According to sources, these drugs are entering the prison by breaking through two levels of security. Even though the matter has repeatedly been discussed with the District Commissioner, there is no response from the prison authorities. After August 5, the administration's inaction increased the supply of drugs to Comilla Jail. The prison authorities themselves have admitted the fact of entry of drugs through various points.
The search revealed, 'Keep safe, show the way to light' - this slogan is only on paper in Comilla Central Jail. The government has tried to convert the prisons into correctional facilities but it is not seeing the light of day due to the unscrupulous syndicates inside the prisons. Drug syndicates have become rampant in Comilla Central Jail. After August 5, the internal drug dealers became active in the administrative inaction. 4 points managing two levels of security personnel to bring drugs inside the prison.
According to sources, ganja, yaba and tapendal are thrown inside from the northern side of the wall every afternoon. At that time, the prisoners (convicts) and prison guards engaged and delivered it to the point-to-point vendor syndicate. In this case, the spots behind the CC cameras are selected. Moreover, sometimes drugs are introduced in this way even after evening. It is a major route of drug supply to prisons.
Visiting Room: Yaba is supplied by soft drink pipes through the visiting room for general inmates. Cannabis puree is also added to this process in a special process. In this case, internal and external prison guards are involved. And the prisoners pretend not to see it.
VIP Meeting Room: Drugs are smuggled through several spots in the VIP meeting rooms through the main gate of the prison. It is one of the routes of entry of drugs into prisons. On the surface, there are 5-6 windows for VIP meetings through the main gate. With the connivance of the authorities, the nets of these windows have been torn and big holes have been made. Various types of drugs including Yaba, Ganja, Tapendol are easily introduced through these holes.
With food: Drugs are introduced into prisons in various ways along with food. Drugs are sneaked into the food sent by the prisoners' relatives.
Sources claim Jail Superintendent Abdul Jalil and District Abdullahil Al Amin have formed an invisible syndicate with their trusted jailers and inmates in the jail. Inmates and prison guards involved in syndicates are assigned duty at drug entry points for illicit benefits. These two policy makers of Kara interior pretend to know everything. Besides, all these things are at the fingertips of the subedars of the interior. The Subedars are also keeping quiet after receiving the share. All the irregularities and drug dealing are going on through the syndicate in Comilla Jail. Officials profit from the drug trade worth lakhs in Comilla Central Jail.
Anisul Islam of Muradnagar Upazila, who was recently released from prison, said that before evening, drugs were thrown inside from the other side of the wall. A lot of drugs enter through VIP meeting rooms. Drugs enter common meeting rooms and food. Jail superintendent, jailer, subedar and jail guards know everything. Prisoners and various criminal syndicates trade these drugs in their invisible shelters.
Sultan Ahmed, released from prison in Chandina area, said that drugs are sold inside like water. Although it is difficult to get drugs outside, they are easily available inside. If anyone protested about this, he was severely punished by placing a yaba under his seat. Drug syndicate members are very powerful in prisons. No one talks to them out of fear of being unwanted.
A prison guard, who did not wish to be named, said that what he had heard was correct. But we cannot open our mouths. I do a small job, blind to have eyes, and dumb to have a face. Even talking to you would cause me great harm. you go bro
In this regard, Abdullahil Al Amin of the district said that it is true that drugs enter through some points of the prison. Earlier we seized and recovered drugs. The issue of drugs has come under intense discussion with the District Commissioner. We are working on drug control. The official denied taking unethical benefits from the drug syndicate.
Jail Superintendent Abdul Jalil said that the issue of drugs was discussed with the Deputy Commissioner in the quarterly meeting. We have intensified patrolling at drug entry points. So drugs are much less than before. Taking benefits from drug syndicates is not right.