Lifestyle Desk: Capsicum is usually cultivated in Bhadra and Magha months. However, according to many, there is no specific time for cultivation of Capsicum. Capsicum is an important vegetable in many recipes. Capsicum is used to make a variety of dishes ranging from meat to vegetarian.
But the market price of this vegetable is enough. So if this vegetable is easily grown in tubs at home without relying on the market, it saves a lot. Today's report shares some easy tips on Capsicum cultivation.
Generally this vegetable is cultivated in Bhadra and Magha months. Although according to many there is no specific time for cultivation of Capsicum. Good yield can be obtained at any time if cultivated in proper manner. For Capsicum cultivation, first buy good quality seeds from the nursery and soak those seeds well in water overnight.
It is very important to prepare suitable soil for Capsicum cultivation before planting the seeds. Capsicum generally does well in sandy soil or loamy soil. It is recommended to prepare suitable soil for higher yield. Before cultivation, the soil should be loosened, so that there are no lumps or bricks in the soil. Then the seeds soaked overnight should be buried in the tub.
Mix dung manure well with the soil in a large tub before planting the seeds. It is not possible to get good yield without manure. Capsicum plants tend to sag under the weight of the fruit when they are a little older, so they should be tapped with a pole when they are big.
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But the capsicum plant gets insects only when it is a little big, so if soapy water is applied to the leaves of the plant, it is possible to save the plant from insects. A good yield is obtained within two to four months from the seedling to the big tree.