Lifestyle Desk : Suppose for some reason suddenly your insulin levels drop abnormally and your blood sugar rises out of control and reaches dangerous levels. Then some sudden changes occur in the body. First, the metabolic system takes the biggest hit. Glucose is our daily fuel. Students of chemistry know that the body is constantly generating this glucose energy through the Krebs cycle, which powers all of our bodily functions.
In the absence of insulin, the breakdown of this glucose and the production of energy stops. Then the body tries to produce energy by breaking down fat cells in an alternative way. But once large amounts of free fatty acids accumulate to break down fat cells, the liver can no longer 'manage' them. Then these excess free fatty acids are converted into keto acids.
There are three types of keto acids —acetone, acetoacetic acid, and beta-hydroxybutyric acid. All these three acids are very strong. If they accumulate in the blood, the pH of the blood decreases. Blood acidity increases. As a result, the patient becomes unconscious. Shortness of breath begins. Death is certain if treatment is not started on time.
When the blood sugar rises too much, it usually exceeds the indicator level of the glucometer. Glucose above 30 mmol/l is no longer detected by the glucometer device—displays 'high' or 'error'. In such a situation, the patient starts suffering severe dehydration with repeated dry throat, frequent urination. As the pH changes, the patient begins to speak incoherently. started behaving abnormally. Some become unconscious.
Breathing through the mouth is accompanied by an acidic smell due to the release of acetone. Then the shortness of breath starts. This breathing has a specific 'pattern', called 'Kussmaul's breathing'. Blood pressure drops rapidly, blood electrolytes or mineral salts are reversed, and respiratory failure may occur. It is almost impossible to treat a patient in such a condition without an intensive care unit.
The whole process takes a few hours or a day or two. As a result, the physical condition deteriorates rapidly. It is said that if the patient is not treated quickly in an intensive care unit within three to four hours, the mortality rate increases dramatically.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is a medical emergency. If someone's diabetes is too high, which is going beyond the range of the glucometer device, if the patient is behaving incoherently or if they lose consciousness - they should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.
People with diabetes should never stop medication or insulin suddenly. Especially when there is any physical illness like fever, infection, vomiting, diarrhea etc. Many people think that they don't need to take insulin because they eat less when they are sick. In this case, the blood sugar should be checked repeatedly to see where the situation is going. If it increases at a dangerous rate, consult a doctor.
Check blood sugar if problems such as frequent dry throat or urination occur. Many people stop insulin or medicine while traveling or during festivals, thinking that nothing will happen. But if the sugar suddenly rises, it will not take long to become dangerous. If a diabetic patient needs an operation, glucose must be well controlled at that time. Or keto acidosis can occur at this time.
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Diabetics, especially type 1 and pregnant women, are at increased risk of keto acidosis on a keto diet. In the keto diet, carbohydrates are completely reduced and fats are increased. Keto acids are produced in the blood as fat cells break down. Be careful in that case too.