Lifestyle Desk: When it comes to marriage, all men want to get a beautiful wife. This is no exception for women. But it is often seen that the wife is more attractive or generally more beautiful than the husband. Although there is no standard of beauty. People are beautiful in any form.
A recent study found that in successful relationships, the female partner is often more beautiful than the male partner. In other words, women are happier with less attractive or less handsome men. A Florida State University study revealed such information.
The survey, conducted on 113 newlywed couples, rated husbands and wives based on their looks. It can be seen that husbands who are lagging behind in beauty are more careful in maintaining the relationship than their wives. Giving gifts, doing housework, reinventing themselves, figuring out new forms of love takes a little more effort.
Studies show that husbands who look less attractive are more committed to relationships. At the same time, they understand the meaning of the beauty of the wife and are more busy to please the wife. Research also shows that when the male partner is more attractive in a couple, the female partner suffers from inferiority complex, which has a negative impact on their relationship in various ways.
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Florida State University researcher Tanya Reynolds said, 'The findings show that attractive-looking husbands have a negative impact on relationships, especially if wives are less attractive.'