"Any gourd is sweet"!

The process of appointing a chairman and two commissioners in the old style without reforming the laws and rules of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is going on. Maybe their recruitment will be done soon. The question is - when will the reform, who will do it?

The process of appointing a chairman and two commissioners in the old style without reforming the laws and rules of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is going on. Maybe their recruitment will be done soon. The question is - when will the reform, who will do it?

The issue of getting three people appointed in the previous or old system is a joke. ACC is one of the six reform commissions formed by the interim government. The reform commission led by Badiul Alam Majumdar is also working to reform the Election Commission. However, a chairman and four commissioners have been appointed in the old style without bringing any kind of reform there. What is left is the Police Reforms Commission, Judiciary and Constitutional Reforms and Administrative Reforms. There is no new recruitment in these four places. As a result, they will give recommendations after the necessary work.

But the ACC reform proposal is essential. Keeping that in mind, the executive director of TIB. Iftekharuzzaman was the head of the reform commission. They are working. But not recommended yet.

Meanwhile, the ACC Act of 2004 set up a search committee to appoint a chairman and commissioner for the agency before the recommendations of the reform commission were submitted.

According to sources, many names have been discussed for the appointment of three persons for the post of ACC chairman and commissioner. The names of former Secretary Ayub Mia, former Additional IGP of Police Mesbahuddin and former District and Sessions Judge Rafiqul Islam and former District and Sessions Judge Motahar Hossain are also in discussion.

The ACC Act of 20 years ago made a former secretary of the administrative cadre the chairman (the exception was during 111, the chairman was Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Hasan Mashhood Chowdhury), a retired commissioner (investigation) as district and session judge and a former secretary of the administrative cadre as the commissioner ( There is a provision to do search). But after One Eleven, almost all commissions have failed to stop corruption in the country. Unlimited money laundering from the country could not be prevented. The corruption of the rulers could not be reined in.

In October, three commissioners led by Moeen Abdullah resigned, leaving the ACC commissioner vacant. According to the rules, the commission is supposed to be reconstituted within a month of this resignation. That is how the search committee was formed. And without reforming the ACC, the committee will present the names of six people to the president to appoint three people in the old style. That's the idea so far.

Those concerned say that the level of corruption in the country 20 years ago, now the situation is very dire. Especially in the fifteen and a half years after One Eleven, money laundering is at the forefront of corruption. Corruption in projects, tenders and government purchases have also involved money laundering. However, the ACC does not have the authority to legally investigate anyone involved in this crime.

On the one hand, stakeholders feel that through the reform of the ACC Act, all types of money laundering offenses should be included in the schedule, as well as appointing a separate commissioner for this crime category. On the other hand, experts have also said about the appointment of a commissioner for prevention of corruption.

In other words, competent and honest officials of the ACC have also said that considering the severity of corruption, appointing five commissioners and appointing one of them as chairman. They also think that the ACC also needs to be accountable. For this, by bringing the ACC under the constitution, the work of the commissioner and the ACC can be disciplined through oath.

But the reality is that the process of appointment of commissioner and chairman has been started without bringing any reforms or amendments in the law or the rules. It remains to be seen how the question will be resolved if the commission is reconstituted in the old system after the reforms.

Monirul Islam

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