A deep study of the Qur'an is essential for an interpreter of the Qur'an

Lifestyle Desk: The Holy Quran is the word of God Almighty and the last heavenly book. Allah has declared the Qur'an as the source of guidance and life for all people until the Day of Resurrection. It includes all knowledge and science. For this, deep study and research on the Qur&#

Lifestyle Desk: The Holy Quran is the word of God Almighty and the last heavenly book. Allah has declared the Qur'an as the source of guidance and life for all people until the Day of Resurrection. It includes all knowledge and science. For this, deep study and research on the Qur'an is essential.


In the Holy Qur'an, Almighty Allah says, 'I have not omitted anything in the Book; Then they will be gathered to their Lord.' (Surah: Anam, verse: 38)

Another verse states, 'We have sent down to you the Book as a clear explanation of everything, guidance, mercy and glad tidings for those who surrender.' (Surah: Nahl, verse: 89)

The importance of knowing the interpretation of the Qur'an

Almighty Allah has encouraged the interpretation of the Qur'an through thought and research. Allah says, 'This is a blessed Book, which We have sent down to you as a blessing, that people may ponder over its verses and that the wise may understand.' (Surah: Sawad, verse: 29)

Elsewhere it is stated, 'I have made the Qur'an easy to understand. So is there any thinking?' (Surah: Kamar, verse: 22)

Helpful knowledge

Knowledge related to the Holy Book Al-Qur'an is called 'Ulumul Qur'an' or Qur'anic Science in Arabic. It is a broad knowledge. Which includes many things.

Some of which have the status of individual scriptures. Some scholars have stated that the number of supporting knowledge for Ulumul Qur'an is more than a hundred. Allama Jalaluddin Suyuti (RA) in his famous book 'Al Itqan fi Ulumil Qur'an' organized Ulumul Qur'an or knowledge of the Qur'an into 80 distinct chapters. Below are some of the knowledge essential to know the correct interpretation of the Qur'an.
1. Arabic Linguistic Knowledge: Arabic Linguistic Knowledge has three aspects.

That is:

A. Ilmul Lugat: In which the origin and meanings of single words of the Qur'an are discussed.

b. Ilmus Saraf: which discusses the transformation of words.

c. Ilmun Nahu : which discusses the process of Arabic sentence formation.

2. Ohi identity and types: Ohi is the revelation of Allah Almighty to the Prophets. To know the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an, it is necessary to know its identity, type, status and manner of revelation.

3. Tarikhul Qur'an: Date means history. Tarikhul Qur'an means History of Qur'an. To know the history of the beginning and sequence of the revelation of the Qur'an, to know the context of the revelation of surahs and verses (shane nuzul), to know which surah was revealed in Makkah and which surah was revealed in Madinah.

4. Ilmut Tafsir : To have knowledge about the scriptures of Tafsir. Under this, the history of the origin, development, composition and compilation of Tafsir literature is discussed.

5. Ilmu Usulutit Tafsir: Meaning Principles of Tafsir Shastra. Under this, the principles of tafsir formulated by the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), the Companions (pbuh) and their later tafsirists are discussed.

6. Ijazul Qur'an: Ijazul Qur'an means the miracle of the Qur'an. Knowing the miracles, dignity and excellence of the Qur'an and the dignity of various verses and surahs etc.

7. Ahkamul Qur'an: Ahkam means rules. Ahkamul Qur'an is the rules of the Qur'an. Knowing which verses of the Qur'an Allah has described, which verses the jurists have invented.

8. Tarikh Tadvin al-Qur'an : Compilation of Tadvin meaning. By this is meant the history of the compilation of the Qur'an and the detailed description of the preparation of the Mushaf.

9. Ilmul Kirat: Meaning Kirat Shastra. By Qiraat is meant the recitation of the Holy Qur'an and the rules on related subjects.

10. Ilmut Tajwid: Tajwid means exaltation. Tajwid basically refers to the pronunciation knowledge of the Qur'an. Pure pronunciation is closely related to the meaning of words and sentences.

11. Adadi Ayl Qur'an: Meaning is the knowledge of the number of verses of the Qur'an. It discusses the beginning and end of the verses of the Qur'an and the number of verses and surahs.

12. Alwakfu wal Ibatida: Literally means break and start. Basically it discusses where verses and verses can be stopped, where they cannot be stopped and how to start after stopping etc.

13. Al Ishqal wa Jawabuhu: Discusses the objections and answers raised on any matter of Qur'an al-Kareem and Qur'anic knowledge.

14. Tabaqatul Mufassirin: From the position of acceptance among the predecessor scholars who were Mufassir from the Sahaba to the present era. Know the reasons for accepting or rejecting their interpretation.

15. Ilmun Nasakh: Nasakh means cancellation. This scripture discusses in detail which verses of the Qur'an have been abrogated in recitation or injunctions or both.

16. Ilmul Qasas: Qasas means events. Brief events described in the Qur'an are discussed in detail in the scriptures.

17. Ilmu Usulid Din: Knowledge of the principles of religion. Knowing about the principles of Islam declared by the predecessor scholars in the light of Qur'an and Hadith.

18. Usulul Fiqh: Fiqh is Islamic jurisprudence. And Usulul Fiqh is the principles of Islamic jurisprudence. In the light of these principles, the rules of Islamic Shariat have been formulated.

19. Ilmul Hadith: Hadith is the best interpretation of the Qur'an. Therefore it is not possible to know and do tafsee without acquiring hadith and its related knowledge.

Dr. B. Professor: Currently there is no one to lead the students

20. Rhetoric: The wording of the Qur'an is highly rhetorical. Therefore, to understand the meaning and meaning of the Qur'an, it is necessary to acquire knowledge of Arabic

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