Do you have toxic people in your life?

At various times in life, various people become close to us. There are many of them who are eager to make people feel inferior and small. They are toxic people. In order to keep your self-confidence and mental health intact, you should not make such people as partners, friends or intimates

At various times in life, various people become close to us. There are many of them who are eager to make people feel inferior and small. They are toxic people. In order to keep your self-confidence and mental health intact, you should not make such people as partners, friends or intimates.

Toxic parent

Let's find out if there is a toxic person in your life or not—

Selfishness is strong among them.
So having a toxic person in your life means life is miserable. It is best to draw a line of distance from them as quickly as possible.

They don't want to listen
Toxic people do not like to listen attentively to others. If you notice, such people usually prevent the expression of other's attitude during any conversation, which once destroys the interest to talk. They only talk about themselves but don't give you a chance to talk.

Also, toxic people lack empathy or compassion. They never sympathize or sympathize with anyone. Don't get them by your side in your bad times. They are not responsible and respectful to anyone.

Always critical
Questioning any of your opinions, trying to prove wrong even the right conclusions. That is, one of the symptoms of toxic people is to always criticize others. Even, they will have a judgment on your clothes, look, behavior, which will break your confidence. While constructive criticism is not a bad thing, it is not a good thing to criticize everything all the time. You must have people around you who will give you constructive criticism as well as praise you for your good work, which will act as inspiration for you.

Trying to insult others
One of the characteristics of toxic people is insulting others. They will not hesitate to insult you in front of anyone at any time. In general, such people do not know how to respect others. Always talks down to others. They don't even care if anyone is hurt by their words, which can leave you emotionally devastated. If someone is behaving like this frequently with you, it is time to move away from the person.

Monirul Islam

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