How the gym will increase brain function

Researchers have found a strong link between physical activity and exercise—brain fog, memory loss, or slow brain activity. The habit of mechanical life makes us physically and mentally very lazy. A sedentary lifestyle for long periods of time makes our brain accustomed to the same routi

Researchers have found a strong link between physical activity and exercise—brain fog, memory loss, or slow brain activity. The habit of mechanical life makes us physically and mentally very lazy. A sedentary lifestyle for long periods of time makes our brain accustomed to the same routine. Studies have shown that people who sit at a desk all day or work from home for years experience a decline in brain function. And scientists say, its infallible claim is the only exercise.

Regular gym

Many people think that housework, such as cooking, cleaning, sweeping or washing clothes, is also effective exercise. But that is a completely wrong idea. These are manual labor or manual labor in English. Although it makes you sweat, it doesn't actually burn a lot of calories and doesn't have much effect on body toning. If you want to burn calories efficiently and stay healthy properly, there is definitely no substitute for regular exercise.

Many do free hand exercise, yoga or walking at home. But it is often seen that after doing these things regularly for two or three days, suddenly there is a break. This break keeps the brain from becoming active before the muscles can tell the brain about this regular exercise.

Going to the gym regularly becomes a part of your lifestyle. When you go to the gym, you meet many people. Seeing others builds willpower, which makes you mentally confident, and inspires you to try, which is very beneficial for your mental health. High intensity work outs like zumba, aerobics, power yoga etc. are very good for your muscles, heart and bones. Regular high-intensity exercise has amazing effects on brain function.


Research reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that those who exercise regularly have a greater range of thoughts. They can think more creatively. They can solve any problem very quickly. They are more adept at proper control of emotions. As a result, our memory is sharpened, anxiety and stress are reduced. In addition, regular exercise reduces the risk of rare and complex diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer's and memory loss.

It turns out that people who exercise regularly at the gym are almost twice as likely to develop dementia as those who don't exercise at all or are not very active. If you sweat in the gym in the morning, you will see that you will have endless energy for the whole day.

That's because high-intensity exercise helps release your happy hormones—norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine. This will increase your productivity. According to neuroscience, the release of these hormones in your brain at that time has a neurochemical bath-like effect that rejuvenates your brain.

Professor Wendy Suzuki of the Center for Neural Sciences in New York has written about this in detail in her research book 'Good Anxiety Harnessing the Power of the Most Misunderstood Emotion'. According to him, exercise nourishes and activates our brain. This brain stores important memories.

You don't need to be a fitness expert to exercise regularly, it doesn't matter how old you are. 150-175 minutes of any type of gym exercise per week is sufficient for an adult to reap the benefits of regular exercise. Go to the gym and consult with your trainer or instructor to choose exercises according to your ability. Exercise, spread positivity from heart to brain.

Monirul Islam

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