Endocrine System

Endocrine System বিবরনের আলোচনা

Endocrine System


* যে sistem হরমোন তৈরী করে তাকে Endocrine system বলে।


#Endocrine gland: 11




1. Hypothalamus


2. Pituitary gland


3. Thyroid gland TSH, T3, T4


4. Parathyroid gland


5. Endocrine pancrease Insulin


6. Adrenal gland


7. Gonad (Testis and ovarcies)





Estrogen, progesteron

#Function of Endocrine system:


1. Production and Release of harmone


2. Release of hormone into blood throughout the body.


3. Metabolism


4. Growth and development


5. Reproduction


6. Homestasis


2. Contreal mood, emotion


8. Control sleep and awake ecyde.

Salma Akter

242 Blog posts
