Blood ICBC
Blood is mode up off
Red blood CAI (RBC)
white blood cell (RUBC
Function of blood.
Transport ResPratong gases গাস nutrients to tissue und Remove waste Products.
Regulation of temperatur Regulation of PH.
Regulation of osmatic pressun calciam. glUCOSE.
⑤ Protection Fight against infection.
Blood circulation system
এক স্থান থেকে অন্য স্মাটন রক্ত সরব্য স্পাই করা হয়।
cinculation: The Process of Flow of blood and lymph through a close system, of 501 (ধমনী-শিবা) called
2025.02.08 06:19
TO TYPES of cincutation system.
① systemie cinculation সিসিসিক) ৬ পুরো শরীর
③ Pul morang cineviation [পালমোনারী) ✓ ফুসফুসে
③ Portal circulation. [ অাটাল