China military drills, rifles on robot dogs

International Desk: China military Although the film looks like the popular British dystopian show ‘Black Mirror’, it is actually just the latest adaptation of robotics for the modern battlefield.

China military drills, rifles on robot dogs
China military
International Desk: China military Although the film looks like the popular British dystopian show ‘Black Mirror’, it is actually just the latest adaptation of robotics for the modern battlefield.

During recent military exercises with Cambodia, China’s military showed off a robot dog with an automatic rifle mounted on its back. Basically, man’s best (electronic) friend has been turned into a killing machine.

In a report on Tuesday (May 28), the US news media reported the information to CNN News.

A Chinese soldier named Chen Wei said in a video on state broadcaster CCTV, “It can serve as a new member of our remote and difficult combat operations,” the report said. It can also replace actual army personnel. Also can identify the enemy and hit the target.

China military
China military
The two-minute video, made during the China-Cambodia ‘Golden Dragon 2024’ exercise, shows the robot dog walking, jumping, lying down and moving backwards under the control of a remote operator.

In one exercise, the rifle-firing robot dog escorted an infantry unit into a simulated building.

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Pooja Cheri’s ‘Nakful’ gets permission to change its name
At the end of the video, a six-bladed aerial drone is mounted under an automatic rifle on the robot dog’s back. After seeing the video, many called it China’s ‘weird kind of intelligent unmanned equipment’.


May 31, 2024

entertainment, Movie

Ms Rakhi Khatun


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