In which month of 2024 Eid al-Adha will be celebrated

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Eid al-Adha will be celebrated in which month of 2024? It is very important to know this. As Eid-ul-Adha is an important worship for every Muslim, as a true Muslim we must know about Eid-ul-Adha.

In which month of 2024 Eid al-Adha will be celebrated
Sacrifice is obligatory on whom
Eid al-Adha will be celebrated in which month of 2024? It is very important to know this. As Eid-ul-Adha is an important worship for every Muslim, as a true Muslim we must know about Eid-ul-Adha.

Every year Eid-ul-Azha i.e. Eid of Sacrifice is celebrated on a specific day according to the Hijri calendar. Eid al-Adha will be celebrated in which month of 2024? Let’s find out about it.

Eid al-Adha
Eid al-Adha
In which month of 2024 Eid al-Adha will be celebrated
Eid al-Adha will be celebrated in which month of 2024? Many Muslims are interested in knowing about this. According to the Hijri calendar, Eid al-Adha is celebrated on a specific date every year, but according to the English calendar, Eid al-Adha is not celebrated in the same month and on the same date every year. This is because the Hijri month moves back a few days every year.

As the Eid of Ramadan 2024 has already been held and the Eid of Sacrifice will be held in a few days. Because Eid-ul-Azha i.e. Eid of Sacrifice is celebrated a few months after Eid-ul-Fitr. Generally, we as Muslims know this very well. Since Eid al-Adha does not fall on the same month and date every year in the English calendar, we have to make assumptions about Eid al-Adha every year.

Every year, the dates of Eid are decided before Eid. In the same way, Eid al-Adha is predicted in advance but since the Hijri month is dependent on the sighting of the moon, it can be a few days earlier and later. Saudi Arabia’s moon sighting committee has announced a possible date for Eid al-Adha in 2024.

Generally, it is informed here that this year Eid al-Adha i.e. Eid al-Adha will be held on the 16th of June. If you follow the Hijri calendar, Eid-ul-Azha i.e. Eid of Sacrifice is celebrated on the 10th of Zilhaj every year. Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh have Eid a day earlier and later. So we can say very well that Eid-ul-Azha will be held in the month of June.

What is the date of Qurbani Eid in Bangladesh?
What is the date of Eid al-Adha in Bangladesh? If you don’t know about this then learn very well. Because there are many Muslims among us who have no idea about when Eid will be held i.e. on what date Eid will be celebrated. You have to keep in mind that Eid al-Adha does not happen in Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia at the same time.

We have already discussed that the Moon Sighting Committee of Saudi Arabia has announced a matter that the 10th of the month of Zilhaj may be on the 16th of July. Since Eid is celebrated in Bangladesh one day after Saudi Arabia then we can very well say that if Eid is celebrated on the 16th in Saudi Arabia then Eid of Sacrifice will be celebrated on the 17th of June in Bangladesh.

When is Eid al-Adha 2024 – What is the date of Eid-ul-Azha 2024?
When is Eid al-Adha 2024 – What is the date of Eid-ul-Azha 2024?
Sacrifice is not obligatory
Eid al-Adha will be celebrated in which month of 2024? This issue has been discussed. We have already learned that there are several acts of worship that are obligatory, meaning that we must perform these acts of worship. And there are several acts of worship which are wajib i.e. if these are not performed then there will be a sin. In this case, sacrifice is obligatory or obligatory? Many of us do not know this.

Many people have different opinions about whether the sacrifice is Fard or Wajib or Sunnah. Sacrifice is obligatory on all those who are capable i.e. wealthy. This is the opinion of Imam Awazai, Imam Lais, and Imam Abu Hanifa. And there is a fatwa of the Hanafi Madhhab on this matter. And according to the opinion of Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad, it is obligatory to sacrifice. According to Imam Ibn Taymiyyah, it is obligatory to sacrifice. And according to several imams, it is muakkadah in the sunnah to sacrifice.

On whom the sacrifice is not obligatory
It is also very important to know on whom Qurbani is not obligatory. Because we think that it is wajib for every Muslim to perform Qurbani but actually it is not like that. Al-Qurbani is generally obligatory on those whom Allah has given the ability. Qurbani has been made obligatory on all those persons on whom Zakat is obligatory. So know well that on whom it is not obligatory to sacrifice.

If a person is a traveler on the first day at the time of Qurbani and then settles before the end of Qurbani on the third day, it becomes wajib on him to perform Qurbani. On the other hand, if he was a Muqim on the first day and then became a Musafir on the third day, the Qurbani would not be wajib on him. {Badayus Sanaye 5/63}

If one wants to sacrifice then he must do it from halal wealth. Sacrifice with haram money is not Saheeh, and in this case, the sacrifice of others who are partners is also not accepted. {Ahsanul Fatawa: 7/503} If the sacrificial animal is stolen or dies, the rich person has to sacrifice another animal. If he is poor (on whom Qurbani is not Wajib), then another Qurbani is not Wajib for him. {Khulasatul Fatawa: 4/319}

If you don’t offer sacrifice, it will be a sin
Eid al-Adha will be celebrated in which month of 2024? This has been discussed in detail. If you have Nishab amount of wealth and you don’t give Qurbani then it will definitely be your sin. Allah Ta’ala does not give money to everyone, but those who do must spend it in the way of Allah Ta’ala. Allah Almighty in different ways

It can be spent.

Zakat can be spent in the path of Allah, and by giving charity, expenses can be consumed in the path of Allah. Besides, if you have given Qurbani, it must have been spent in the way of Allah. Because the animal that is bought for sacrifice usually has to be bought with money. If you want to make a sacrifice, you must pay it in halal money. And if you have Nisab amount of money then you have to sacrifice in the name of Allah.

How many parts should be sacrificed?
How many parts should be sacrificed? If you do not know this matter and want to sacrifice with several people then you must know about this matter. Because those who have knowledge about Qurbani usually know very well that one Qurbani can be offered in several parts especially cows and all large animals. Camels, cows, and buffaloes can be sacrificed in 7 parts; moreover, if you want, you can sacrifice any number less than seven parts, such as two, three, four, five and six parts.

Small animals such as goats and sheep are to be sacrificed together. There are no partners here. If one of the partners does not perform the Qurbani with the intention of obeying the command of Allah Ta’ala, but does the Qurbani only with the intention of eating meat, then his Qurbani will not be pure. And if one makes such a person a partner in the sacrificial animal, the sacrifice of the partners will not be accepted.

Usually from this matter, one can understand very well which part can be sacrificed. But we must be careful in our choice of partners if we are to sacrifice share. Each partner must have an equal share of the sacrificial animal. It cannot be the case that someone’s share is more and someone’s share is less. In this case, the sacrifice of any of the partners will not be pure. {Badayus Sanay: 4/207}

The virtues of sacrifice
Eid al-Adha will be celebrated in which month of 2024? In addition to knowing this, we as Muslims should know about the virtues of Qurbani. Because there are many of us who are born as Muslims who do Qurbani but do not know about the merits of Qurbani. If you want to perform Qurbani properly then you need to know about the virtues of Qurbani.

People who have been paid by Allah Ta’ala usually have to offer Qurbani in the name of Allah Ta’ala. There are many of us who sacrifice to eat meat. We must get out of this matter and sacrifice to gain the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala. If our money is halal and we offer Qurbani to please Allah Ta’ala then surely our Qurbani will be accepted.

Sacrifice has merit in general, so Allah Ta’ala Himself has informed us about Qurbani in the Holy Qur’an. Moreover, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gave us the idea of sacrifice and ordered those who have money to do sacrifice. So we must sacrifice to please Allah Taala.

On whom is the sacrifice obligatory?
Who is obligated to sacrifice? Many people want to know about this matter. Since Qurbani is an important and meritorious act of worship, we must have a clear understanding of this matter. Allah Ta’ala has made it obligatory for some people to sacrifice. Generally, I understand this matter very well that it is obligatory to perform Qurbani on those to whom Allah Taala has given money.

On the 10th, 11th, and 12th of the month of Zilhaj, the holy Eid-ul-Azha i.e. the Eid of Sacrifice is celebrated and on this day animal sacrifice is done to please Allah. This is an important provision of Islam. Qurbani is generally obligatory on those on whom Zakat is obligatory. Sacrifice is not an obligatory act of worship.

If gold or silver or money does not have a nisab amount individually, but more than one unnecessary item together becomes the equivalent of fifty-two and a half loads of silver, it becomes obligatory on that person to perform Qurbani. For example, if a person has some gold and some money, which is equal to the total value of fifty-two and a half rupees, then the sacrifice is obligatory on him. {Raddul Muhtar: 5/219}

On what date should the sacrifice be performed?
On what date should the sacrifice be made? Many of us do not know this. Even if you know, you should know well once more to be clear. Every year on the 10th of the month of Zilhaj, Eid-ul-Azha i.e. the Eid of Sacrifice is celebrated. Dates are the same according to the Hijri calendar but they keep changing according to the English and Bengali calendar. For example, if you observe the Hijri calendar and the English calendar, Eid is celebrated on a different date every year.

On what-date-sacrifice-should-be-given
If it is observed this year, then according to the Hijri calendar, it is assumed that in the context of Bangladesh, the 17th of June is the 10th of the month of Zilhaj and on this day Eid-ul-Azha i.e. the Eid of Sacrifice is celebrated. And on this day, sacrifices must be made to attain the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala. If one does not offer Qurbani on this day then he can offer Qurbani on the 11th and 12th of the month of Zilhaj i.e. from 10th to 12th.

Eid al-Adha
Author’s last comment
Eid al-Adha will be celebrated in which month of 2024? Starting with this discussion, the sacrifice has been discussed in detail. If you want to perform Qurbani properly and please Allah Taala then you must read our article.

Must be read carefully. Then you will know very well all the information about Qorbaani.

Hope you have learned some important facts about Qorbani. Many thanks for staying with our article for so long. If you want to know such important and informative articles regularly then keep following our website

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