The Sunnah refers to the practices

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It complements the Quran by providing context and elaboration on its teachings. The Sunnah encompasses:

The Sunnah refers to the practices, actions, and sayings of Prophet Muhammad that serve as a model for Muslims to follow. It complements the Quran by providing context and elaboration on its teachings. The Sunnah encompasses:

1. Hadith These are individual reports or narrations about the sayings, actions, and approvals of Prophet Muhammad. Hadith collections are categorized into various levels of authenticity, with some considered more reliable than others.

2. ActionsThese include the Prophet’s behaviors and decisions in various situations, such as how he prayed, fasted, and conducted his interactions with others.

3. Approva This refers to instances where the Prophet endorsed or approved of something done by others, which serves as guidance for acceptable behavior.

The Sunnah is crucial in Islamic jurisprudence, providing details on religious practices and ethical guidelines. It helps Muslims understand how to apply Quranic principles in daily life.

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