Spend a holiday east of the Anatolian river

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An excellent place to spend a break away from the noise

If you want to escape your sun, sea and sand holidays and discover the more traditional parts of Turkey, this is the place for you. The southeastern Anatolia region of Türkiye has become a meeting point of civilizations for a long time, since the arrival of the Bible. Recent discoveries at Gobekli Tepe have led to a complete reassessment of the first human settlements. The great rivers Tigris and Euphrates pass here, and Aramaic hymns are still sung in the Assyrian monasteries of Mardin and Midyat. Summer in this region is long and dry. During Enjoying the delights of local cuisine, you will not be surprised that the best kebabs and vegetables are part of everyday life; This is due to the region’s availability of excellent agricultural conditions.


The Eastern Anatolia region has rich water resources, because the Tigris, Euphrates, Gorkha, Aras and Kura rivers originate from here and flow into the sea in other countries.

Euphrates River


The Euphrates River is one of the longest and historically most important rivers in West Asia. The Euphrates River is 2,800 km long, and 1,263 km of it is in Türkiye. It originates from the place of the flow of the Qara Su River (formerly Arsenias) or west of the Euphrates (450 km), and the water of the Euphrates River and east of the Euphrates (650 km) At an altitude of 10 kilometers from Keban district in southeastern Türkiye. The Euphrates River, which originates from the rocks of eastern Turkey, flows into Syria and Iraq in order to join the Tigris River in the Shatt al-Arab, which empties into the Gulf of Basra.

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