Seeing a blue picture in married life will break the family
September 12, 20242 Mins Read
Lifestyle Desk: 8 to 80 drops due to addiction to blue pictures! And now with Android in hand and computer-internet at home, blue images have also become very accessible. 'Civilized' humans are unknowingly suffering from blue image addiction. The demand is increasing day by day. Due to this, the industry is also flourishing. A star-making university has also been opened.
blue picture
How harmful is this blue picture? Society, relationships and even the body - how is being harmed through this blue picture? There is controversy about this. Some studies say that the depth of their relationship is hidden in the trend of seeing blue pictures of men and women in a married relationship!
That is, if husband and wife see blue pictures together occasionally, their relationship will deepen. A new study claims that blue pictures can be a big enough factor in ruining a marital relationship.
New research claims that relationships that see blue images after marriage are more likely to break up. And on whom the blue picture has the greatest effect on the breakup of marital relations, are women.
Sociologists have claimed that women who see blue images more than three times a day are more likely to divorce after a study by the University of Oklahoma in America.
They further claim that the blue image affects the body of married men and women and also has a negative effect on their natural behavior. The artificial behavior behind the camera they aspire to in real life and float in the world of fantasy. As a result, their trust in the partner decreases which eventually leads the relationship to divorce.