Muhammad (pbuh) the role model for world humanity: the chief advisor

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Jumbangla Desk: Chief Advisor Dr. Muhammad Yunus said, "The great Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) has incarnated in every field of human life, in every role, he has left countless beautiful teachings and ideals for the world humanity; Which will show the way as the direction of liberation

Muhammad (pbuh) the role model for world humanity: the chief advisor
September 16, 20242 Mins Read

Jumbangla Desk: Chief Advisor Dr. Muhammad Yunus said, "The great Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) has incarnated in every field of human life, in every role, he has left countless beautiful teachings and ideals for the world humanity; Which will show the way as the direction of liberation for the people of every age and century.'

In a message given on the occasion of Eid Miladunnabi (PBUH), he said, 'The holy memory of the birth and death of the great man of the world, the emancipator of world humanity, the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is intertwined on 12 Rabiul Awal Eid Miladunnabi (PBUH) for the people of the world especially Muslims. A very holy and glorious day. On this occasion, I extend my sincere congratulations to all the Muslim Ummah of the world, including Bangladesh.

The Chief Adviser said, "Allah Rabbul Alamin has sent Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) as 'Rahmatulil Alamin' i.e. the mercy of the whole world for the guidance and salvation of the world." In the Holy Qur'an about the Prophet (PBUH), Almighty Allah said, 'O Prophet, I have sent you only as a mercy to the whole world' (Surah Al-Ambia, verse: 107).

Muhammad (PBUH) came with the great message of Tawheed. He brought the message of eternal liberation, peace, progress and overall welfare of mankind by breaking the chains of all kinds of superstition, injustice, injustice, wickedness and slavery. He called the people of the world to come to the path of liberation and peace, ended the dark ages and lit the light of truth.'

Dr. Muhammad Yunus said, 'I believe that world peace, justice and welfare can be ensured only through following and worshiping the unique lifestyle of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), his universal teachings and Sunnah in today's conflict-conflicting world. It is my firm belief that the noble ideals and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in religious and worldly life are the best, the best to follow and emulate for the people of the world, and therein lies the infinite welfare, success and peace of Muslims.'

The chief adviser wished peace, well-being and prosperity to the country, the nation and the Muslim Ummah as well as the people of the world on the occasion of Miladunnabi (PBUH) on the occasion of the holy Eid. Grant me the grace to work for the welfare of humanity.'


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